It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments. If and when the F-35 program does clear all the hurdles to move into the production stage, the F-35 will still require extensive development to finish all the work that should have been completed long before making it to that point. For now, the biggest flaw of the F-35 program may not be a vulnerability to an enemy weapon, but the programs own information architecture. Opportunities. The services have no choice but to rely on Lockheed Martin as a result. Filed under analysis Only intelligence staying is military. The long delays now are because designers havent been able to complete the simulation software. The program office plans to roll out additional kits this summer, which will save money by being able to host multiple squadrons on a single unit, Fick said. RIVERDALE, Md. The fleet-wide average availability rate for the F-35 was 61%. Trust the Plan. Navy Installing More Directed Energy Weapons on DDGs, Conducting Land The Government Accountability Office has repeatedly documented problems, such as a bulky deployable version of ALIS that cannot connect to the internet or incorrectly signaling to maintainers that a plane is not mission capable due to incorrect data. We march as ONE! Task Force ODIN, whose name is an acronym for observe, detect, identify, and neutralize, is a United States Army aviation battalion created in August 2006 to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) operations to combat insurgent operators of improvised explosive devices in Iraq.. The first system was installed on the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey (DDG 105), during her recently completed Dry-Docking Selected Restricted Availability. ), plus the CCPs Three Gorges Dam that hides Bitcoin and their International Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking operations. The CIA has been taken over by the National Security Agency. We would then have GESARA Blockchain Elections that would serve governments 10% the size of what they currently were with all new people. This is not a goodbye. ODIN - Ryan O'Donnell Portfolio Its only in these charts that the reader learns that, for example, the Air Forces F-35A fleet is not only missing its goal of 20 hours standard for Mean Flight Hours Between Critical Failures but also that the demonstrated performance is only 11.2 hours. . 23-26 April will be a pivotal moment in time.a suddenly moment where everything changesBo Polny predicted a year ago: The public version of this years report contained only two charts, while the non-public version had eight. In addition to the smaller footprint, we are seeing significant performance improvements in ALIS such as data processing and synchronization times 2-3 times faster than ever seen before, Fick wrote in testimony. The Odin Project provides a free open source coding curriculum that can be taken entirely online. More than twenty years into the F-35s development, the aircraft remains in every practical and legal sense nothing more than a very expensive prototype. Dan Grazier The U.S. Navy is set to begin land-based testing of a "a high-energy laser weapon" later this year, continuing a trend towards lasers being used by the branch. Luckily, other federal agencies provided some of that information. How the U.S. Military Is Using a New Special Attack Force to Kill Its For years, ALIS has ranked as one of the F-35 enterprises biggest headaches. 757-878-9550. This is why the tunnels are being bombed too apart from rescuing children & killing Chimeras. Members of Congress have expressed their concern about the excessive secrecy surrounding the testing results through multiple letters sent to Pentagon leaders. Sat. The problems with ALIS became so acute that Pentagon leaders decided in 2020 to scrap the entire project and replace it with a new cloud-based system called the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN. The Defense Department plans to invest $471 million into both ALIS and ODIN over the next five years. No foul language The minutes of one such meeting held in 2018 showed that the board downgraded a Category I deficiency to a Category II with no plan to correct.. Congress should continue to hold firm by limiting further F-35 purchases until program officials can complete a design that can be proven effective and suitable for service through the operational test process. Those charts helpfully spelled out the acronyms and provided actual data rather than opaque trend arrows. Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before Its News. On Wed. 21 April President Trump announced at Mar a Largo, Im going to start something tomorrow April 22 and finish on the 24th.. >>>>>PROJECT ODIN<<<<< MILITARY SPACE FORCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OPERATION CONNECTED TO STARLINK SATS. The simple fact that the contractors and the program office havent been able to deliver an aircraft whose effectiveness has been proven through a full operational testing program suggests the original Joint Strike Fighter concept was flawed and beyond any practical technological reality. What it really did was create more work for pilots and maintenance crews. The Joint Simulation Environment has fallen so far behind schedule that program leaders brought in outside experts to review the project. In late 2020, the program office developed an ODIN user agreement and capability needs statement, which lays out what tasks ODIN needs to be able to accomplish and how the system should function, he said. ), The Most Advanced Node in the 21st Century Warfare, The Most Lethal, Survivable, And Connected Fighter Jet Ever Built, Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), described the Joint Simulation Environment, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), F-35 Changes Needed While Still in Infancy. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program appears to be in a state of suspended development, with little progress made in 2021 toward improving its lackluster performance. Although the publicly available version of this years report provided an overall assessment of the F-35 program, the authors stripped it of many figures and details that gave a full picture of how the program performed in 2021. Gold, Silver, and Copper. The testing director has the authority to scrap the approved testing plan and declare that his office has enough data to make an assessment of the programs combat effectiveness, which would clear the path for a final production decision. The ongoing modernization effort is, in reality, an F-35 initial development do-over. From Sat. But the details DOT&E stripped from this years public version of its report are not the sort that would provide an adversary a technological advantage. The public version of the report (top), states the F-35 program identified deficiencies requiring software modifications and additional time and resources. The non-public version (bottom) details these deficiencies. Program officials initially said it would cost $10.8 billion to complete the additional development work plus an additional $5.4 billion to upgrade F-35s purchased in the years before engineers completed their design work. i had seen great review about odin project and comments that says even if other language is your target, you should do . As one former fighter pilot wrote, when a pilot doesnt get enough experience in the air, the likelihood they will be effective or even survive in combat drops precipitously.. The competition for replacement engines is perhaps the programs most acute challenge today. The U.S. Navy recently installed the first Optical Dazzling Interdictor, Navy (ODIN), a laser weapon system that allows a ship to counter unmanned aerial systems. By continuing to browse this website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry toUniversalOm432Hz@gmail.comapplying these following rules. The public version included a chart titled F-35 Reliability Metrics.. Task Force ODIN Transfer of Authority - It was all stopped, and over 100 were arrested. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that could last six months to five years, depending on the amount of funds that you have received. ODIN development has stagnated due to funding constraints and the need to husband ALIS along as an interim solution through the transition. The Air Forces F-35A variant performed the best with a fleet average of 54% that year, a rate of performance that is still far below the 80% mission capable rate needed for an effective aircraft fleet (and even significantly below the programs low 65% availability standard). RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 5-12-2021 Federal law mandates the testing office write an annual report about the weapon programs on its oversight list. My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). Posts: 5,526 Likes Received: 53,652 in 5,514 posts Likes Given: 40,941 Joined: Sep 2019 ID: 188 Country: Arrest the Deep State Cabal disciples. Americans are tired of reporters protecting the swamp. After the first week actually, I had finished the HTML/CSS portions, mainly . (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email They have since rescued millions of children across the globe and as of this writing were actively discovering more while blowing up the tunnel system causing minor earthquakes. Q Thread Updates/drops/posts - Beyond The Fringe 19 April Market opening all international markets, including the US Stock Market and Dollar Index, were in the red and imploding. Voted best in USA by Worldwide Ratings Organization. use projects. At all times be very polite, do not get angry, or arrogant because if you do you might not be able to exchange or redeem and you will not be able to go to another center to do it. That scheme quickly fell apart as designers and the testing teams could not keep up with such an aggressive schedule. The program has not sufficiently funded the developmental test (DT) teams to adequately test, analyze data, or perform comprehensive regression testing to assure that unintentional deficiencies are not embedded in the software prior to delivery, DOT&E reports. Opportunities - DARPA Established in 1958 as part of the U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA pursues opportunities for transformational change rather than incremental advances. *OnTues. 23 March 2021 the Alliance ran an Evergreen Corp. ship into a bank of the Suez Canal. April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients. The Marine Corps fleet of short takeoff and landing F-35Bs and the Navys fleet of F-35Cs, which are tailored for use on aircraft carriers, lag far behind. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children. All Commonwealth Constitutions ie Australia 1901. You will remain in my heart forever. The Government Accountability Office included them in a July 2021 report. The Bunker, written by national security analyst Mark Thompson, is both pro-troop and pro-taxpayer. The unit was formed in Texas, and first deployed in October 2006. Per federal law, a major defense acquisition program cannot legally enter into full-rate production without completing its initial operational test and evaluation plan. The tables DOT&E did include in the public version of the report were also of less value because they were presented with vague labels and without detailed explanations. If you do not have any Zim then you will be eligible for the contract rates on the Dinar and Dong. 18 April Crypto Currencies and Bitcoin Markets crashed. At the same time the world would switch over to the new Quantum Financial System and gold-backed currencies through Starlink and Project Odin Odin (, going Dark to Light. Marshal Law. On Mon. OE Data Integration Network (ODIN) is the authoritative digital resource for the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) and accompanying Force Structures,. Gesara = 1000 yrs of peace, no more wars. . All or nothing. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. | Politics | Before Its News (, Mel K Joins Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, & David Rodriguez for A Round Table On Fire! According to the non-public version of the testing report, F-35 aircraft availability rates "plateaued" in 2021 and then declined starting in June. It must be noted that DOT&E does not report that claim as an objective fact. The high expectations for an affordable futuristic fighter jet quickly crashed against reality. F. International Child Sex Trafficking Ring: SOUND OF FREEDOMtells the true story of Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad, who fights child trafficking. These People Are Sick! The unity of the American patriots produces strength and power. DOT&E reports that the facility is now more than six years behind schedule and that significant work remains before F-35 testing can be completed. (Reader: Michael) Joe Biden Body Doubles? Program leaders promised to deliver regular design updates in six-month increments when they announced the modernization, or Continuous Capability and Development Delivery (C2D2), plan. Cybersecurity testing completed in 2021 revealed a number of vulnerabilities that must be addressed to ensure secure ALIS, training systems, United States Reprogramming Lab (USRL), and air vehicle (AV) operations. The testing office is effectively reporting that there is no aspect of the F-35 program protected against a cyberattack. Dan Grazier is a senior defense policy fellow at the Center for Defense Information at POGO. Executive Order 13959 3 Gorge Dam in Singapore 23 minutes. Project ODIN - Conspiracy? | Southern Maryland Community Forums The simulation software programmers have so far not been able to finish their work. Project ODIN - Conspiracy? We need to continue to improve the functionality of ALIS in the near term, as we ensure that the ODIN structure that we put into place, from a hardware perspective, from a data environment perspective, and from a software perspective, is what the users need, Fick told lawmakers during the hearing. Service officials based plans on the promised performance rather than on the demonstrated performance and so underestimated the maintenance depot capacity they were going to need to repair broken engines. The reporting system often produced bad data that required administrators to spend time on tedious workarounds., Out of the Shadows Documentary: Out Of Shadows (Documentary), Pedo-Empire Website, 5 Books, 49 chapters Free Online:, Satanic pedophilia:, CV-19 and CV-19 Vaccine Videos: (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official, Mask Mandates for Children Mostly Harmful: Professor of Medicine, After Son Takes His Own Life, Father Warns Against Extended Pandemic Lockdowns, South Dakotas Noem Bans Vaccine Passports, Petition to Undo Whitmers COVID-19 Executive Orders Has Enough Valid Signatures, FDA Examination Finds Substandard Conditions at Contractors Plant for J&J Vaccine Production. The Odin Project still worth to go through in 2021? - reddit Photos released by the Pentagons own in-house multimedia outlet, Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, show some of the F-35Cs aboard the USS Carl Vinson covered in what appears to be rust while on deployment in the Pacific. The Globalist Deep State established an international spy network called 5Eyes for unconstitutional spying on our citizens, avoiding domestic laws, triggers and Congressional/ Senate over sight: UK, NZ, US, Canada, Australia. After Lockheed Martin failed to deliver effective maintenance and logistics with ALIS, the company is now being paid again to build ODIN. H. Our Military Intel Contact on Exchange/ Redemption Instructions: Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/ redemption rates. WASHINGTON The Defense Department is pausing its efforts to field replacement software for the F-35s troubled logistics system due to a lack of funding, the head of the F-35 program office said Thursday. Kat Update: Q The Storm Rider, New Variants are Military Codes This was the first time since F-35 low-rate initial production began in 2007 that Congress didnt increase the yearly buy. According to the non-public report, the lack of spares inventory, and limited component-level depot repair capacity, contribute to the shortfalls in spares supply. First, the services are buying new F-35s so fast that the manufacturers of replacement parts cant keep up with demand.

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