Aleah Ingram May 3, 2021 Entertainment. I would be totally okay if they did nothing for Mothers Day at church. I think this can be especially true for women who feel theyre just holding on. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. I know my own mother dislikes being called a good mother because she feels so awful about how she raised us from her perspective. I want to hear about the mother who lost all her children, because she made a lot of mistakes. Honestly, considering how touchy this subject is (women w/out kids, abusive moms, separated/divorced men who don't want to be, moms who've passed, etc), I'd focus on Womanhood. With a purpose firm and willing, I had some ideas but didn't want to repeat anything that had already been done from the Primary. Uchtdorf. The speaker described how she saw her mothertake stock of the smoking wreckage of her life, humble herself, and begin the heroic and difficult work of transforming her life into something she didnt need to be ashamed of anymore. We like to celebrate mothers in the Church and we like to ignore fatherhood. I was supposed to talk two weeks ago on the purpose of the Sacrament but ended up in surgery instead, and upon returning to church last Sunday was asked to reschedule. Heres my updated version: Im so glad when Daddy comes home, Regular G.A.S. Maybe. So Im on for Mothers Day and have been assigned Julie Becks talk on the history of Relief Society as topic. She worked during the day and took classes at night, and created a home for her children where they knew love. Our current Bishop decided not to do anything for mothers day. He invites mothers to count the debits and credits in your role as a mother. President Hinckley then goes through a number of important gospel teachings mothers should focus on. Because disciples can be wayward in their faith we should not celebrate Christmas because it causes too much pain in those who remain more faithful. Since my husband gets to give End of rant. It falls short when it is not delivered with love, patience, acceptance, humility, an understanding of the limitations of REALITY, and the the Gift of the Holy Ghost. A friend once proposed a thought experiment. The third tells of a mother who helped her daughter with a disability at a temple dedication. Rockpond, is this separate from a Primary Program? What is the trigger to close the thread? Snickers. I would also love all quotes, conf talks, songs be from women to reinforce the value/insight/talent women have. We changed the lines to "Mother Do You Love Me". Then I served in a Branch with 90% women who had absent husbands and who also grew up with absent fathers. They do not need to be perfect in order to partake of the sacrament, but they should have a spirit of humility and repentance in their hearts. Perhaps it shouldnt be mothers day, but be Womans day and celebrate the contributions of women of faith in their families and communities. Speechless. Although I like the idea of them as well! Oh and starting with Anthropologist Hrdys observations on what a plane full of chimps rather than humans would look like. Home & Family. No fuss, no muss. But I was not a mother, in spite of my tears and pleadings with the Lord. My mother was an ideal, and she is schizophrenic, couldnt cook water without burning the pan, never cleaned a thing in the house while we were children, had rebellious to some degree or another, etc. May your prayers be answered and your hopes and dreams become realities.. at all.. At one point they cut down a tree and paraded it into town to symbolize the mother of the Gods (Asherah, anyone?). I accidently hit the quote button and so nothing is guys can fill in the blank.. My wife and I will be on an Alaska Cruise. Most seemed to realize bishoprics are trying and they appreciate any effort. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. Dont take us out of Primary to go eat Treats! I think mixing it up, at least every other year, from Mother I Love You, is nice as a mom. Women focused or mainly about Christ too. We should not celebrate anything unless it is universally acknowledged around the world. What do you think should be handed out for Mothers Day? We can all sound harsh at times, but this seems to be a community of sorts and following through on the different dicussions helps put context to opinions expressed. Mrs. Gui, All the little Guis and their little Guis, the violin, photography, Prokofiev, Mahler, Terry Pratchett, Patrick OBrian, Umberto Eco, sci-fi and fantasy, Brigham Young, playing Bluegrass with real Kentuckians. That being said, my ward will be nice and quiet next Sunday, one of the joys of the YSA wards. Excellent suggestions, Mark. I dont think sacrament meeting is such an inappropriate place to do that, either. Nice post Mark, I think we do need to be careful about how we say some of the things we do in church, and elsewhere. Many times, it seems bishoprics want to put women on a pedestal for a day, while trying not to offend anyone. It is good to share personal stories, but be aware that your own family might be abit stranger than you think. Serious question for everyone, just out of true curiosity: How many of these horror stories happened in the last five years? Maybe we should do it eucharistic-like so I dont have to feel guilty? Didn't Sheri Dew give a talk titled, "Are We Not All Mothers?" When we speak of mothers as people who are incapable of gross sin, they know we are lying. At my ward the angel mothers were to aspire to. Come on. Being Mother's Day, that meant the soft seats up front were filled with grandmothers and other maternal figures visiting for the weekend, which meant latecomers like the Lemons got metal seats in the back this week. Her mother didnt come across as being perfect, but rather imperfect but faithfully trying, and her simple persistent efforts turned out to be eternally valuable. Why was she an ideal? Members have now learned to accept it. It is based only partially on a professional clergy with access to time-proven messages and more likely on fundamental theological differences. My own dear mother, long since gone to her reward, summed up the essence of the perfect Mothers Day talk quite nicely. Sacrament meeting is the term for a regular Latter-day Saint worship service, usually held each week on Sunday, where the sacrament (similar to communion) is offered to the members of the Church. Most threads die a natural death. It seemed to strike just the right tone. If youre already perfect, who needs it? Think about your message and how it will sound to the entire spectrum of your sisters in the ward. Ere the sun goes down. Less than nothing because the message of such a gift is that the person is not important. It can be any of those. I cant quite get them right and they would certainly be expunged by the moderators anyway. According to our teachings, Jesus the Messiah wasnt just sinless, He was God. Mothers Day is celebrated, and increasingly commercialized, but my impression of the local situation is that ones obligation to honor ones mother is largely discharged at home. Sometime in the mid-1990s, I went to the ward library after sacrament meeting to obtain materials for teaching a lesson. Well at least I know what not to talk about. April 24, 2016 in General Discussions. Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. Mothers Day was open so I said ok, I will come up with something appropriate. Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. I am actually traveling with my mother and other members of the family this weekend and showed her this in church to get a laugh. For the injured interceding, (If you want to see an example, search mormon tax exemption on Twitter.) Any Advice? It was a very honest list, but emphasized that the things she would change had nothing to do with looking good, acting a certain way, or different callings. I also choose to focus on the women in the scriptures like #30 has mentioned. I figure maybe in the next life I will be someones Heavenly Mother. This year in my ward the emphasis was shifted slightly from being a mother to our mothers. In partaking of the sacrament and making these commitments, Church members renew the covenant they made at baptism (see Mosiah 18:810; Doctrine and Covenants 20:37). Forgive me for not understanding the blessing part of it. I remember being confused by a few Mothers Day talks growing up. Love for mothers is good, but sometimes there is a fine, fine line between love and dysfunction. We need ideals especially ones who arent ideal, so we can redefine ideal. :( Everyone can just disregard parts that may sound harshor disregard the comment altogether I reckon. Ill be hiding in the clerks office. Thanks! The US holiday was only adopted in 1870 and was also used to protest the sacrifices mothers had made when their sons were killed at war or killed the sons of other mothers during the Civil War. Sabbath Day Scriptures Scripture References Doctrine and Covenants 59:9-12 Scripture Study Resources Topical Guide, "Assembly for Worship" Modal title . Weve gathered this collection to help you study, write talks, and share powerful LDS quotes about mothers. It hasnt yet. Our ward always does flowers, right after Sacrament meeting, and this is a real problem for me because of my allergies. Latter Day Arrangements is a sheet music resource for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other Christians. iPhone. Ere the sun goes down, When chocolate is handed out, our children end up begging for it but its the one day I wont share. I feel for how it hurts people to attend church and the sorrows they bear. Fun Photos of Latter-day Saint Leaders in the Snow! Aleah served a mission in California and loves baking, Lang Leav poetry, Gaynor Minden pointe shoes, and Bollywood movies. I wont be attending this Sunday either, but as always will honor my own mother by being the best mother I can be to my hurting children. We are confabbing about how to turn the tables on Hallmark. Show me a sinless mother and she can be my ideal too. It is as if we cannot celebrate anything because if we focus on single day to celebrate one person then we have decimated everyone else. Gospel Q&A: Can Satan Hear Our Prayers? I thought my husband (Sonny) had already posted this, but maybe not, or Im just blinder than usual. All They want to give a message of comfort and support to other parents who are navigating the difficult conflicts that can arise in families around this issue. from Pres. Somehow those who are not mothers are incapable of celebrating motherhood and thus it is painful for them and thus no one should celebrate motherhood as a church. And I did use some of the suggestions here. I just dont like when they push the plant on me after Ive politely declined it. But these are good points. Intent matters, and I dont believe the idealism we are fed is meant to hurt, but rather to uplift. I must speak the loving word, She used several stories from the NT about Christ & his mother Mary to illustrate principles that we can all use to improve our relationships with others. Deep gratitde is owed to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the Atonement which allows us each to recover from any missteps, no matter how far off the path one may stray. Required fields are marked *. Nothanks to my back problems got to fly non-stop from Atlanta to Seattle. That we be a great subject for Mother's Day. I have seen women leave the meeting in tears, and I know others who have learned, through sad experience, that it is best for them to take a break from church on Mothers Day. Index to the Triple Combination, Sacrament, Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer, AaronL. West, Little Children and the Sacrament, Ensign, October 2016, Line upon Line: Matthew 26:2628, New Era, October 2016, Questions & Answers: What am I supposed to think about during the sacrament? New Era, June 2014, Renewing Covenants through the Sacrament, Ensign, June 2010, Marilynne Linford, Questions and Answers about the Sacrament, Friend, March 2008, Laurel Rohlfing, Remember Jesus Christ during the Sacrament, Ensign, June 2007, Richard Lloyd Anderson, The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part1: Loss and Christian Reformations), Ensign, January 1992, Richard Lloyd Anderson, The Restoration of the Sacrament (Part2: A New and Ancient Covenant), Ensign, February 1992, Pat Graham, Sharing Time: Be Grateful for the Sacrament, Friend, November 1987, JohnS. Tanner, Reflections on the Sacrament Prayers, Ensign, April 1986, June 1016: Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 18, Come, Follow MeFor Individuals and Families: New Testament 2019, Viewpoint: The Sacred Ordinance of the Sacrament, Church News, Young Men, Teach about the Sacrament, Brother Beck Says, Church News, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, chapter6, Come, Follow MeFor Primary: New Testament 2019, The Sacrament Helps Me Think about Jesus Christ, Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, lesson27, Jesus Christ Instituted the Sacrament, Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Teacher Manual, lesson15, Sacrament, Lesson Helps for Teaching Children, As Now We Take the Sacrament, Hymns, no.169, The Sacrament, Childrens Songbook, 72, Before I Take the Sacrament, Childrens Songbook, 73, The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square App Icon, Teachings of Presidents: Joseph Fielding Smith Manual, 2014, Primary Nursery Manual: Behold Your Little Ones, Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Course (Religion 250), Children's Songbook, English, Hard Cover, Spiral. Which also makes me wonder about why we Americans dont recognize International Womens Day. If I would obtain the blessing, Latter-day Saint Life. Still, I think the flak about Sister Becks talk is nonsense. The kids sang the first verse and the adults the second. I think its good to have something to air at! Mother's Day Last year I used the last verse of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" and the song "Teacher/Mother Do You Love Me" for the Mother's Day Primary songs in sacrament meeting. He chose to base his talk on To The Mothers In Zion, and used it to essentially chastise and condemn working women, and it sent half the ward fuming into the bishops office. Well we could have it like the Sacrament Meetings for Father's Day and have it be your usual every Sunday meeting and not even talk about women or mothers. Thats the last thing a mother needs, responsibility for yet another living thing. . Said she, If you havent convinced your mother that you love her the other 364 days of the year, nothing you say on Mothers Day is worth a damn.. Im sure that attendance in RS would be higher on that day though. Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their . May 6, 2017 Those were the kinds of talks I gave, and thats what I would rather listen to. I just read that talk again; and I see nothing wrong with it. But I realize others prefer plants. I just spent two hours reading all the comments, viewing the video mentioned in #90, and taking notes. Nourishing their souls instead of feeding their bodies? Not necessarily mothersjust women. His explanation was not to offend any sister. What a nice gift for a Mom..hey, you guys have a great time!! Why..thank you! When her dad found out that there was a whole lottashakin goin on without him, he summarily divorced his adulterous wife and took the children to live with him. I have to go home right after Sacrament meeting, because the Sisters all bring their flowers with them to the other meetings. I know they happened fairly regularly in my own adolesence and early adulthood, but I cant remember one Ive heard personally in quite a while. For the past two years, I have been passed over because other women tell the youth passing out the gift, that they need to take one for so-and-so, shes ill today,without looking for women in the room that havent received one yet. My husband told me to stop focusing on myself and think about who mothered me instead. Let us take as self-evident that, in reality, not all women are naturally pure or spiritual. Wards/branches can use this app to create and print traditional . I have work enough to do, Sorry for the sacrilege I think all women want massages but not sure the church is the right place for it. And dont even get me started on the Are We Not All Mothers tripe. The rest of us mortals should stick with real.. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? They would eat honey cakes and give flowers. This was very informative and interesting. Might spark some interesting conversations. I dont need to socialize at church. Mother's Day is a special time to say thanks to the women in your life. Mothers Day was pure torture and the only time I ever serious entertain thoughts of staying home. I guess mothers also die, just like plants, but not usually at our own hands. Many said not to assignmother or female focused messages in sacrament meeting, others said to keep your effortssimple as long as it is sincere. XD. We got there at about 7:30 AM and one of my Aunts had already been there and left flowers for her. iPad. Or better yet, teach their classes and let them attend RS for a day? The reminder was given to visit those sisters unable to attend on Mothers Day. Classic! No, an inclusive talk will be about current and eternal womanhood, one part of which may including being a biological mother in mortal life. What does that say about us as a people? I do look forward to handing the kids over to my husband for the day, but Ill take a pass on sacrament meeting. Can anyone say overdone? It just screamed, whoops, we forgot to order flowers in time and ran out to walmart last night and bought up whatever womanly thing we could find. I have to say that I was almost offended that there would be an assumption that FD would be a piece of cake. So He can be ideal AND real. Yes! I think Ill check myself in to a nice bed and breakfast. But since youre not, Im bowing out this year. ), Miriam his sister who obeyed her mother and stayed with him and suggested her mother be his nursemaid, and the daughter of Pharoah, who raised him. So how does tax exemption relate to churches, and especially churches that [], You are so much more than the worst thing youve everdone.,,, Inside the UK's Mormon missionary bootcamp - BBC, Former mayor, LDS bishop gets prison for child sex abuse - Salt Lake Tribune, The anti-racist Mormon trying to teach his fellow LDS church members - NPR, Mormon Church fined over claim it hid $32bn of investments - BBC, Linda King Newell, Feminist Scholar of Mormon History, Dies at 82 - The New York Times. I've done this in past years but always enjoy the new ideas from the participants here As I plan our Mother's Day Sacrament Meeting, what have been your favorite talk topics for Mother's Day? More importantly, which meeting do you thinkwould be more likely to provide meaningful support? to hear my little kids sing and for my older kids to pass out a flower. Questions & Answers: What am I supposed to think about during the sacrament? A day focused on mothers is hard enough for many women, and much more so when thats all they hear about at church. One thing I would add is that somehow we need to stop telling LDS women that they need to do everything in 6 days and 90% income with smiles on their faces and do it better than their non-LDS peers. Some few are probably actively trying to avoid the gifts, trying hard to not remember the lack thats been rubbed in her face all day long. This change wasnt well-received as it occurred without any advance notice. I have seen, heard and experienced much of the imperfections, joys and sorrows in life, and know that reaching out for and holding on to the Iron Rod brings souls closer to the ideals with every step. Steve P, But guess what?! could have had us all come to earth as adults, but instead we came as infants needing 24 hour care to survive; there must be something we need to learn from being dependent on parents, and 4) share some motherhood quotes. The first consideration is that you, the speaker, need to begin with your audience in mind. That feels a little thin still, so Im glad this post exists. Their talks often included poems about the immeasurable amount of crap mothers had to deal with. Well give you an honest deal! I have been called by God to be there and that is where I should be. This has been a great reminder to be sensitive to all in the congregation with the Holy Ghost as a guide. How about honoring our mothers by not just focusing on what they do or have done for us (guilt trip for those that feel they never do enough) but focus on ways the members can help their mothers throughout each stage of their life. My best friend (unmarried, childless at 51) has been asked to speak. Only for the second time he also included a segment about how if his wife was a better homemaker maybe his kids wouldnt have such screwed up lives. Just after she became a beehive, her mother had an affair. If they give out a plant that I can put in the ground, Ill be sad to miss that, though. and read for the dayLOL, isnt that a nice dream?? Nice meeting. Usually chocolate, a plant or flower. anon, pretty sure hearing about an old guys non-existent sex life is worse. This ordinance is an essential part of worship and spiritual development. You dont come, you dont get one. I dont know how that worked out for him. Maybe, eventually, I will heal and that will change. Probably low on the most desired list, but very creative and I will always remember that with a smile. 10 years after my first child was born, I still detest Mothers Day. Crowd-sourcing request. Motherhood as a path to choose to be a better disciple of Christ by caring for those Christ loves.feed my sheep, etc. It is not that women want to be from Venus, but they want to be from Venus five universes beyond our own. Church meetings Sacrament Meeting Overview To find a ward near you, try the Meetinghouse Locator, which will also provide sacrament meeting times, driving directions, and contact information. LDS Hymn Arrangements. I am the wife of a bishopric member, and I used to love Mothers Day. Ugh ugh ugh. Integrate how Jesus takes care of his mother's future well being while hanging on the cross with the scripture John 19:26-27. They can eat whatever they want, in fact. Our current ward celebrates Mothers Day with the obligatory talks. I have had a lot of thoughts about Father's Day because my father passed away on May 23 about a month ago. Oh yes, Ive read the scriptures to be like Him, to be perfect. Not that I am anything special, but I gave a Mother's Day talk when I was a bishop that was so well-received even my own mother loved it. Most seemed to realize bishoprics are trying and they appreciate any effort. Julie B. Beck reminds women what it means to be a mother who knows listing a number of attributes, including the principles of bearing children, honoring sacred covenants, nurturing others, doing less, teaching, and leading. I recommend it highly: This! ( Inevitably they would be instructed that the gifts were for all women, so theyd try hard to give me one. A BIGTHANK YOU to Heather Mecham for compiling all the results from this survey. What Can I Do? The average of the survey said their bishopric probably spends about $1 per sister for Mothers Day gifts. Is it callender time, number of posts, how irritated the host is with the comments! Something else for me to kill.. It worked well in my ward, I think. She was not worthy of any review from me. I am not sure what other words I can use to convey my meaning when I rely so heavily on tone. They seemed to love the tradition and I never received negative feedback. I didnt realize Mothers Day was so close. Yes. Last year, I gave this talk. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? It would be much easier for me to hear mothers day talks if they were real instead of ideal, though Id prefer a good sermon on Christ, instead. Were here to help! #16 They asked him to speak again?! That wouldn't let her do such and suchall things in the end that weren't good for her daughter to do, one way of looking at it. Through the shedding of His blood, Jesus Christ saved all people from what the scriptures call the original guilt of Adams transgression (Moses 6:54). Through this ordinance, Church members renew the covenants they made with God when they were baptized. One of my talks I focused on Moses and the 5 women at the beginning of his life and the different roles they played: Shiphrah & Puah, the midwives who saved his and countless other Hebrew boys lives, Jochebed his birthmother and what it must have taken to put him in the basket and shut the lid (shes a stronger woman than I am! In my nearly 40 years in the church that has borne true. President Eyringonce said that when he meets somebody for the first time, he assumes that person is struggling mightily with an intractable problem, and cannot see any possible solution. Alma 56:47-48. Should we have days for every type of individual? Mothers day will likely be about Gods unconditional love for us and how it pains Him to see us struggle And how even mothers cannot quite reach that level of love, but we understand the concept because most of us love our children in much the same way (but n, Focus your talk on how much we ALL need Jesus (even mothers) because we are all sinners (read the Bible It tells us so). However, I am concerned about the implications of a people where the female population dislikes the concept of motherhood or at least dislikes it enough that they do not want to celebrate Mother's Day. On Mothers Day. We once had a bishop hand out frozen TV dinners! When I was bishop, my bishopric would always serve pie during the third hour and Id invite my mom to attend. Ere the sun goes down. ( Bonus: You get to visit Relief Society and YW! Could someone remind of what the day is for after all? One of my favorite talks ever wasnt a Mothers Day talk but was given by a mother talking about mothering (we were on vacation, so didnt know the woman speaking).

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