"This book examines the history of U.S. drug policy chronologically, from the early 1900s through the current day. This collection offers contemporary commentary from businessmen and financial analysts, consumer and social activists, historians and a novelist, white and black leaders, and Democrats and Republicans, including the three Republican presidents of the decade, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. APUSH 101. The 1920s in America really did roar. The resources in this primary source set are intended for classroom use. The History Depot. Studying 4 Major Issues of the Post-World War I and 1920s Era with Primary Sources Summary: In this lesson students will analyze primary source documents from the National Archives and political cartoons drawn by Clifford K. Berryman to learn about topics and major events in U.S. History from 1919 - 1930. Radial Ass Kicking: In the Battle of 1000 Heartless, Sora starts out surrounded by Heartless and proceeds to fight them all. A student also recommended this page with a lot of Wyoming-specific history as well as useful facts for writing a research paper. And whose responsibility was all this? The Volstead Act. The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression (1920-1939) America was hoping for a "Return to Normalcy" after several years of progressive reform and the First World War, but what it got was the Roaring Twenties. Students will be able to use the primary sources to make valid arguments to whether if the 18th Amendment was necessary or not. This Complete Bundle resource includes 50 resources (PowerPoints, Document Analysis Handouts, Primary Sources & Political Cartoons, Graphic Organizers, and more!) Also search by subject for specific people and events, then scan the titles for those keywords or others such as memoirs, autobiography, report, or personal narratives. Essential to these new styles was a simplicity that had not previously been seen in women's fashion. What longterm effects on American society did they predict from the innovations? Once each team has located at least one primary source for each of the categories, they should analyze them using the Primary Source Analysis tool. Copyright 2023. A collection of primary source materials related to the Scopes "Monkey" Trial which includes original court testimony, newspaper articles, reactions from people in Dayton, political cartoons, and more. How did "prosperity" become a hallmark of national pride? For a recent historical account of how banks came to be separated from other types of financial institutions in the Glass-Steagall Act, see generally Arthur E. Wilmarth Jr, Prelude to Glass-Steagall: Abusive Securities Practices by National City Bank and Chase National Bank during the "Roaring Twenties", 90 Tulane L Rev 1285 (2016). How had each issue evolved by 1930 as the nation entered the Great Depression. Entries include a July 1, 1925 article by Zona Gale about artistic freedom in the U.S., a June 23, 1926 article by Langston Hughes about a desire among African-American artists to emulate their white counterparts, and an August 31, 1927 editorial by Oswald Garrison Villard about the execution of anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. This will help students to find interest in the popular culture of the 1920s, because it is a character they will recognize from their childhood, particularly since they have grown up in California, and near Disneyland. (Thanks to a helpful student, you can find a clearly written explanation of the history of Prohibition here that includes several links of its own to follow!). The 1920s is the decade when America's economy grew 42%. The Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division collects, preserves, and makes available for research purposes rare, unique, and primary materials that document the history and culture of people of African descent throughout the world, with a concentration on the Americas and the Caribbean. Try 4 Free Lessons of Dave Raymonds Modernity, 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Text of the 18th Amendment and later acts, accompanied by images related to Prohibition, from the Library of Congress. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The twenties had its own style in fashion, dance, and music. ", Access a collection of articles on a variety of topics from old magazines. The Roaring Twenties (American Culture in the 1920s) Primary Sources is a pack of 20 primary sources. BI 2: Economic and political activity impacts who can access the American Dream. followed by the Great Depression. Collected commentary. BECOMING MODERN presents an expansive collection of primary sources designed to enhance classroom study of the 1920sa brief but defining period in American history, perhaps the first that seems immediately recognizable to us in the 21st century. Goals & Objectives. They were known as the roaring 20s, but not because there were lions running around. NYU. Although the temperance movement, which was widely supported, had succeeded in bringing about this legislation, millions of Americans were willing to drink liquor (distilled spirits) illegally, which gave rise to . Newsreels from the British Pathe covering the 1920s, mostly, in England and Ireland. Make one copy of all 5Graphic Organizers and the Reflection Question Worksheet for each student. Complete the chart of political cartoonists to analyze their viewpoints and the visual devices they used to convey them, e.g., Gale's portrayal of Uncle Sam and Orr's use of multiple labels. The collection includes nearly 150 selections from twelve collections of personal papers and two collections of institutional papers from the Manuscript Division; 74 books, pamphlets, and legislative documents from the General Collections, along with selections from 34 consumer and trade journals; 185 photographs from the Prints and Photographs Division and the Manuscript Division; and 5 short films and 7 audio selections of Coolidge speeches from the Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. With the endorsement of the Department of State's Committee on Public Information -- a governmental propaganda ministry -- the Nation's Forum sought speakers, and the Columbia Graphophone Company pressed and distributed the recordings under the Nation's Forum label. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. A decade earlier, war engulfed the globe, and its modernized weapons unleashed unprecedented destruction, bloodshed, and misery. The nation's total. Compare the Twenties' boom-and-bust with similar economic cycles before and after the decade. Jump to: Background The 1920s was a period of rapid change and economic prosperity in the USA. More than 60 per cent of Americans lived just below the poverty line . How was the word adapted for differing political and psychological aspirations of the nation? What issues overlapped multiple social divisions of the period? Buyer to takeover lease until October 2023. Africa: Saint Helena; Americas Life improved for the majority, but not all, of Americans. So ran a Republican slogan during Herbert Hoover's 1928 presidential campaignthe phrase that has come to symbolize the unparalleled prosperity of the 1920s. See volume 3 for primary source documents. . $59.95. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe, particularly in major cities such as Berlin, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York City, Paris, and Sydney. You can download the resources individually with the links above and also see reviews from teachers who have used them. How did Democrats acknowledge that "prosperity . Films, newsreels, animated cartoons, comic strips, radio broadcasts, and sound recordings are offered in addition to informational texts, fiction selections, visual art, photographs, and music selections. 5.0. Roaring 20s - Chapter 10 . This digital collection of primary source documents helps us to understand existence on the edges of the anglophone world from 1650-1920. The total wealth of the Americans during the 1920s doubled, and Americans became wealthier. to people in their personal lives? They also danced in the same way and talked very similarly. The Queens Digital Archive offers images, documents, correspondence, and a host of other items that chronicle the rich history of Queens. ", ""Oral Histories of the American South" is a three-year project to select, digitize and make available 500 oral history interviews gathered by the Southern Oral History Program (SOHP). An example of how to complete "Weighing the Evidence" activities on DocsTeach. Located in Plymouth Notch, Vermont, the Foundation holds this site in part to redress the absence of a Coolidge presidential liberary. The report notes that while the region's internet economy was resilient in 2020, a . What perspectives were presented in these cartoons? Proceedings of the women's Christian Temperance Union of Iowa, A collection of resources for a course on Prohibition, American History in the modern era, Useful Library Databases- Secondary Sources. The 1920s era went by such names as the Jazz Age, the Age of Intolerance, and the Age of Wonderful Nonsense. Access hundreds of primary sources related to the Great Depression and the New Deal on . According to the commentators and cartoonists, what were the causes, outcomes, and possible consequences of the unrivaled prosperity of the 1920s? Barclays CEO Jes Staley has compared the pent up demand currently in the global economy to the end of the 1918 flu pandemic and the subsequent "Roaring 20s.". How did each division reflect postwar adjustments and the "modern age"? While Queens has broadened its focus from the education of young women to become a modern comprehensive university, it has always been a center for intellectual and cultural life in Charlotte. How varied were the perspectives on "prosperity," its causes, and consequences? How secure or tenuous was the prosperity of the "roaring twenties"? The "Roaring Twenties" refers to the decade of the 1920s, which was a period of tremendous economic prosperity. Teacher's Guide. How did Republicans/conservatives and Democrats/liberal refute each others' positions? As W.E.B. How did "prosperity" become a hallmark of national pride? Dave Raymond covers the Roaring Twenties in Lesson 18 of his Modernity World History curriculum. How did Republicans acknowledge the "friction of modern industrialism"? the individual? Researching 1920s Fashion with Online Resources A digital survey of womens fashion from the decade led by one of the New York Public Librarys assistant chief librarians. Why? Topics include patent medicines, Prohibition, Reefer Madness, the psychedelic '60s, Nixon's War on Drugs, and the powerful warring Mexican drug cartels that currently threaten political instability in . What is being expressed in this quote by E. E. Free? "This compact, yet authoritative, collection places over seventy of the most important documents from 1919-1941 in their historical context and offers insights into the American experience during the interwar era and the many developments that were crucial to the creation of present-day United States." This document is a news article from 1928 in. Explore these changes using the resources below. Headnotes and discussion questions guide study and analysis of the resources, reflecting Common Core Curriculum Standards for reading and writing. They stopped wearing corsets and dropped layers of clothing to increase ease of movement, wore make-up and cut their hair short, and experimented with extramarital sexuality, creating the concept . There are more than 28,000 items in the collection with 10,172 available online. PSYC. The Ad*Access Project, funded by the Duke Endowment Library 2000 Fund, organized over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines into a database designed for researchers. $116.86. 1920: A Year in the Collections The Smithsonian highlights items from its vast collection in this survey of images and historical descriptions. The reasons for the rapid economic growth in the 1920s The USA. Sound and Feel of the Twenties. From this vantage point they were able to beam the music of "Fiddlin' John Carson," the Carter Family, and Jimmie Rodgers to every destination from California to New York City. Encourage students to keep the following questions . Explain how the documentmatches the caption on their individual Graphic Organizer. The Only Way to Handle It Discover the various European and colonial frontier regions of North America, Africa and Australasia through documents that reveal the lives of settlers and indigenous peoples in these areas. For "The Decade That Roared" nothing brings to mind the 1920's like the image of young women in cloche hats, pin curls, swinging pearls while dancing the "Charleston". USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Flapper Fabulosity! 1. How was modernity defined in the Twenties? Race in the Roaring 1920's Cooperative Jigsaw Activity Attacks on Civil LibertiesTeach racial issues of the 1920's in one collaborative group activity. Please use these teaching resources to provide additional context for your homeschool students as they are studying this period of US history. The person providing the informa1on in the account actually lived through and experienced the history. can be verbal (a quote, journal, or other wri

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