Experimental Review on Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements and Temperature Effect. Sung-Wook Choi. TEWL measurements were performed before and 30min after microporation. Results and Discussion The microscopic dynamics of proteins are probed in a light scattering experiment. However, when molecules deviate from globular to non-spherical or elongated structures then Rg/Rh tend to values upwards of J Control Release. Hydrodynamic Properties of Tragacanthin. Calculation of MarkHouwinkSakurada (MHS) equation viscometric constants for chitosan in any solventtemperatura system using experimental reported viscometric constants data. Characterization of high molecular weight dextran produced by Weissella cibaria CMGDEX3. 8. Named after George Gabriel Stokes, it is closely related to solute mobility, factoring in not only size but also solvent effects.A smaller ion with stronger hydration, for example, may have a greater Stokes radius than a larger ion with Although, intrinsic viscosity is a molecular parameter that can be interpreted in terms of molecular conformation, it does not offer as high resolution on molecular structure as other methods such as Light Scattering, Circular Dichroism, Sedimentation Velocity, Sedimentation Equilibrium, Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled to Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (SEC-MALLS), High-performance Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC), Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), NMR, X-rays, etc. II. Human skins (Full-thickness human skin) were supplied by HansBiomed. With FITC-dextran 20 K, cumulative Dextran Fractions. These studies were again focused on investigating the hydrodynamic properties of the polymer molecules, their hydrodynamic radius in relation to their radius of gyration and the coherence of the simulation results with polymer theory. Microporation was performed 2 times on each sample. In addition, the permeation rate was higher in pig skin than in human skin. A similar article of dextran/water [35] clearly demonstrating the dependence of Mark-Houwink parameters with temperature. Rissmann R, Oudshoorn MHM, Hennink WE, Ponec M, Bouwstra JA. Eremeeva, T. E.; Bykova, T. O. Seven dextrans, provided by Sigma, with molecular weight of 8.8, 40, 71.9, 110, 200, 580 and 2000 kDa. A single frequency laser is directed to the sample contained in a cuvette. Rotureau, E.; Dellacherie, E.; Durand, A. The Transdermal diffusion cell system (DHC-6TD, LOGAN instrument, USA) was used to assess FITC-dextran permeability in vitro. ; Bos, G.W. Kasaai, Mohammad R. (2012). Figure 3 shows that the parameters vary with temperature, evidencing a clear functionality of them. Thus, it is accepted that, for every flexible-chain polymer in a (ideal) solvent, there is a universal value of 0 = 2.1-2.5x1023mol-1 [52]. National Library of Medicine Just in case anyone wants to use a different molecular weight to estimate the hydrodynamic size: the calculator is integrated into the classic Zeta Ibrahim O, Munavalli GS, Dover JS. and transmitted securely. Leiva, Angel; Muoz, Natalia; Urza, Marcela; Gargallo, Ligia; Radic, Deodato (2010). Chemical penetration enhancers for transdermal drug delivery systems. This is because the macromolecule hydrodynamic radius changes the solution type and temperature via change in their chain exibility. Polysaccharides-based nanoparticles as drug delivery systems. The value of qM-H varies from one sample to another one, because it is a function of a and the average molecular weights (Mv, Mw). Strategies to improve the potential of transdermal devices by enhancing the skin permeation of therapeutic entities. 2019;26(1):25261. Jeanes, A.; Haynes, W.C.; C. Wilham, A.; Rankin, J.C; Melvin, E.H.; Austin, M. J.; Cluskey, J. E.; Fisher, B.E. Microneedles and their applications. WebAmines per 70KDa dextran Theeffectofchargerepulsiononthe hydrodynamicradiuscanbeseenwithRh increaseswithchargedensity.Charge repulsioncausesthehydrodynamicradius toincrease.Withincreasingcharge,the dextranprogressivelyunfolded.Evena lowlevelofaminationcausesthepolymer tounfold. Kam Y, Sacks H, Kaplan KM, Stern M, Levin G. Radio frequency-microchannels for transdermal delivery: characterization of skin recovery and delivery window. (2003). The calculation of Mark-Houwink parameters is carried out by the graphic representation of the following equation: where kMH (cm3/g) and a are Mark-Houwink constants, depending on the type of polymer, solvent, and temperature of intrinsic viscosity determinations [46]. Molecular weight, particle size and diffusion coefficient can be determined in many studies by Dynamic Light Scattering [20, 21, 22], Gel Permeation Chromatography [23], Analytical Ultracentrifuge [24, intrinsic viscosity [1, 7, 14], size exclusion chromatography / multiangle laser light scattering / differential viscometry, Flow Field-Flow Fractionation [25], and so on. 2008;28(5):64557. Determination of constants, kM-H and a, from the intrinsic viscosity data, requires a series of monodisperse polymer samples with known molecular weight or a series of polydisperse polymer samples with known viscosity average molecular weights, Mv. Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38-70. Carbohydrate Research, 340, 811-826. a Immediately after microporation, b 4h, c 8h, and d 24h (n=5, *: p<0.05). 2009;301(8):60913. Amersham Biosciences, AA Edition, www.amershambiosciences.com. The most widely used method for the characterization of macromolecules is the capillary viscometry, as it is a simple and economic method. In contrast to linear chains, power law behavior is observed only asymptotically at large Mv. In general, Mv is not experimentally accessible, whereas other average molecular weights are accessible. Int. GYA primarily conducted research. This method utilizes promising strategies that have made a significant impact in transdermal delivery [6], they include: iontophoresis, microneedles, sonophoresis, radiofrequency (RF), and chemical enhancers [7,8,9,10,11]. Transdermal drug delivery system for non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs: a review. Beer, M.U. The Principle of the Suspended Level: Applications to the Measurement of Viscosity and Other Properties of Liquids. Department of Biomedical-Chemical Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, 43 Jibong-ro Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 14662, Republic of Korea, LG electronics, 19 Yangjae-daero 11-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06772, Republic of Korea, You can also search for this author in Viscosity, sedimentation, and light-scattering properties of fraction of an acidhydrolyzed dextran. Interaction Parameter (); Expansion Factor (); Steric Hindrance Factor (); and Shielding Function F(); for the System PEAOrganic Solvents by Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements. ; Veldhuis, T.F.J. The numerical value of a indicates that dextrans acquire the shape of a rigid sphere in aqueous solution; and kM-H demonstrates that under water the value decreases with temperature [71, 72]. Biomaterials, 22, 1891-1898. Kirkland, J. J.; Dilks, C. H.; Rementer, S. W. (1992). Here we have the hydrodynamic radius estimate for the 3kDa dextran and 1.5 kDa dextran by the Zetasizer calculator, thanks to Alan. Alan F Rawle, t In the range of working temperatures and molecular weights of dextrans, similar intrinsic viscosity results obtained by other researchers and published here are slight, as shown in tables 1 and 3. WebThomas Gutberlet works at Jlich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS-2), Forsch and is well known for Lipoteichoic Acid, Neutron Reflectometry and Neutron Reflectivity. (2003). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 27, 795-810. Springer Nature. The hydrodynamic radius R h, defined as the radius of a hard sphere that diffuses at the same rate as the solute, takes these effects into account. Walkenhorst, S.; Olivier, R. (2003). Carbohydr Polym. Unperturbed dimensions and theta temperature of dextran in aqueous solutions. Intrinsic viscosity determination offers a simple and useful method that requires low cost equipment and yields useful information on soluble macromolecules. Doke SK, Dhawale SC. ; Rani, K.Y. Disclaimer. FOIA Porcine wound models for skin substitution and burn treatment. Biophysical Journal, 87, 4259-4270. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies ; De Jong, S.J. 2018 Jan;184(1):1-11. doi: 10.1007/s12010-017-2522-4. Journal of American Chemical Society, 64(11), 2716-2718. 20K groups (n=3, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01). Characterization and Classification of Dextrans from Ninety-six Strains of Bacteria. In this work, hydrodynamic properties are investigated in different dextran aqueous solutions with different molecular weights (8.8-2000kDa), in a temperature range from 20C to 50C. As a consequence of the diversity in their origin, the set of classical universal size independent quantities suffers from shortcomings. The enhanced permeability through micropores was confirmed by Franz diffusion cell. Gold MH, Biron JA. Bahary, W. S.; Hogan, M. P.; Jilani, M.; Aronson, M. P. (1995). Fusco V, Quero GM, Cho GS, Kabisch J, Meske D, Neve H, Bockelmann W, Franz CM. Learn More. Alternatively, the value of qM-H can be calculated using numerical methods and other-average molecular weights (Mn, Mw, Mz) according to where c and d are empirical polynomial functions of the exponent a. Carbohydrate Polymers, 36, 319-326. Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. De Belder, A.N. osmotic pressure or light scattering). 2012;9(2):14754. The increased TEWL values which were proportional to the number of microspores indicate SC disruption and formation of microchannels in the skin. 43-1, 115-147. Ionic Polymers Based on Dextran: Hydrodynamic Properties in Aqueous Solution and Solvent Mixtures. The correct way to interpret what Mark-Houwink parameters is determined graphically ln [] versus ln Mw, where Mw is the molecular weight provided by manufacturer, and calculate the percentage relative error (%RE) respect to Mw. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. a Microscopy images of micropore and b quantified data using ImageJ after 0 (immediately), 4, 8, and 24h according to the number of times microproration was done (n=150, *: p<0.05). The human skins were from the back or thigh of a 24-year-old woman. 2013;3(5):3588605. Sintov AC, Krymberk I, Daniel D, Hannan T, Sohn Z, Levin G. Radiofrequency-driven skin microchanneling as a new way for electrically assisted transdermal delivery of hydrophilic drugs. The regeneration of micropores in the human cadaver skin caused by microporation was confirmed using an optical microscope and haematoxylin/eosin (H&E) staining. Webprotein hydrodynamic radius was observed with increasing protein concentration (in the range 0.25-2 mM) in both the absence and presence of 8 M urea. However, in vitro investigations are very few. Journal of Polymer Science, 17, 527-546. A simple and rapid method for evaluation of MarkHouwinkSaturada constants of linear random coil polysaccharides using molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity determined by high performance size exclusin chromatography: application to guar galactomannan. In a good solvent, which shows a zero or negative heat of mixing with the polymer, the molecule is less-extended, and the intrinsic viscosity is high. Immediately after formation, the microchannels are filled with interstitial fluid, making them hydrophilic, and a suitable drug delivery system [15]. The relative browning for dextran from W. cibaria JAG8 was similar to commercial prebiotic Nutraflora P-95 and 3-fold lower than Raftilose P-95. The Mark-Houwink parameters is calculated molecular weights range from 8.8 to 200kDa. Springer Editions. In the future, we plan to investigate the possibility of enhancing the delivery of other macromolecular drugs such as peptides and siRNAs using the RF-based microporation device. The molecular weight of dextran samples can be obtained by a variety of methods including light scattering, HPLC/SEC, sedimentation, osmometry and end-group analysis. WebIn this work, hydrodynamic properties are investigated in different dextran aqueous solutions with different molecular weights (8.8-2000kDa), in a temperature range from 20C to 50C. The formula is verified for different systems of polymer-solvent and the values are in accord with those obtained by extrapolation. TEWL measurements were taken to assess the integrity of the skin barrier and the extent of SC disruption. Because of the recent animal protection rules which have restricted animal experiments [19], we used human cadaver skin as an alternative to animals. Hydrodynamic radii were measured using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) in a Malvern Zetasizer NanoZS DLS (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK) at high scattering angle (173) to minimise the effects of dust and supramolecular contamination (NIBS, 173). Epub 2022 Feb 2. Article Dextran produced from Weissella cibaria JAG8 was purified and characterized. Transdermal drug delivery: overcoming the skins barrier function. Karmarkar, S.; Garber, R.: Kluza, J.; Koberda, M. (2006). WebR H Hydrodynamic radius [m] The basic DLS setup. European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. WebThis value is sensible given that i j = 0 and that the search radius of the clustering algorithm is slightly larger than the average segment length of our Dextran model (b 5.5 nm). Barrier integrity was examined using Tewameter to confirm the poration of human cadaver skin using a microporation device. It is worth noting that the size of macromolecules is much bigger than that of solvent (water) molecules [50]. These results suggest that fibroblasts proliferate and migrate under the SC, and regenerate the skin. Typical examples are the classical size-independent combinations like the Flory parameter, which that combine the intrinsic viscosity, [], and the gyration radius, Rg: These quantities have been proposed along the years, by different eminent scientists, after whom they are named. TEWL values before and immediately after microporation on human cadaver skin according to the number of times microproration was done (n=3). 2015 Mar 17;6:155. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00155. Mitragotri S. Mechanical disruption of skin barrier for vaccine delivery. The polymer molecule assumes a tighter configuration, and the solution has a lower intrinsic viscosity. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. WebTry out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. 2008;26(11):12618. 4, 10, and 20K) was measured using the Transdermal diffusion cell system. Where f0 is the frictional coefficient of a sphere having the same hydrodynamic (hydrated or solvated) volume V as the particle. Actually, everything depends on solvent you want to use and temperature. If you want to know gyration (Rg)or hydrodynamic (Rh) radius, you should A sugar cane native dextran as an innovative functional excipient for the development of pharmaceutical tablets. The hydrodynamic 57 radius of the dextranase is 7 (2008). Increased epidermal laser fluence through simultaneous ultrasonic microporation. WebDextran 40 Pharmaceutical Quality. Radiofrequency is a well-known medical technique with expanded application in electrosurgery for laparoscopic medical procedures and in dermatology, for sebaceous glands ablation in acne treatment [12, 13], and treatment of photoaging skin symptoms, including wrinkles and hyperpigmentation [14]. European. European Biophysical Journal, 36, 85-94. Webof overall macromolecular geometry and hydrodynamic draining. (2008). In addition, we evaluated the regeneration of SC after microporation. The calculated dextran molecular weights are corroborated by those tabulated data by the manufacturer with a relative error lower than 10%, being the exception dextrans 580 and 2000kDa with the highest relative error. Epub 2017 Jun 1. (1954). The skins were from the abdomen of a 39-year-old caucasian woman (BMI: 24). Google Scholar. Dextran (DX) is one type of EPS synthesized by LAB in the presence of sucrose (R g), radius of hydrodynamic (R h), polymer conformation parameter ( = R g /R h), intrinsic viscosity ([]), Mark-Houwink coefficient () and branching degree of DXs of RPYs prepared under different conditions. Epub 2021 Feb 9. The Mark-Houwink parameters and the effect of temperature on them are specifically studied. We observe that this maximum radius is below Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Citation-(RIS Transdermal delivery is of great importance for the effective delivery of bioactive or therapeutic agents into a body. H&E stained images were analyzed using Image J software. From Table 1, It is worth noting that the value of 2 is above 0.95, being an acceptable value for viscosimetric measurement. (2013). Data File Dextran. In order to understand the behavior of this biopolymer in water and to support changes at the M-H parameters with temperature, the hydrodynamic parameters are analyzed (hydrodynamic radius, (RH); Simha number, ((a/b)); Perrin parameter (P); Flory parameter (0); and stiffness chain (dln[]/dT)). An official website of the United States government. Journal of Chemical Education, 49(8), 577-579. AATEX. Google Scholar. Nat Biotechnol. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40824-020-00201-7, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Amersham Biosciences, AA Edition, www.amershambiosciences.com. Markierte Dextrane sind hydrophile Polysaccharide, die hufig in mikroskopischen Studien zur berwachung der Zellteilung, zum Verfolgen der Bewegung von lebenden Zellen und zur Untersuchung der hydrodynamischen Eigenschaften der zytoplasmatischen Matrix verwendet werden. eCollection 2018 Feb. Molecules. Mark-Houwink-Kuhn-Sakurada Exponent at the Condition. These results are in agreement with a previous study which suggested that the microporation using radiofrequency causes disruption of the SC, enabling the percutaneous permeation of the FITC-dextran [21]. Study of temperature influence. At 25C both values of a and kM-H are within the range reported by [3, 8, 16]. Search Soc., 21, 1, 78-86. Carbohydrate Polymers 72, 356-360. 2010;4(1):117. Increased TEWL values are evidence of micropores formation. Crini, G. (2005). Expert Opin Drug Deliv. Molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and molecular size of a native dextran. Carbohydrate Polymers 88 373-381. Weissella: An Emerging Bacterium with Promising Health Benefits. Cookies policy. Senti, F. R.; Hellman, N. N.; Ludwig, G.; Babcock, E.; Tobin, R.; Class, C. A., (1955). The human and pig skin samples were placed in the receiver chamber of the Transdermal diffusion cell system with the SC facing up and the donor chamber was fixed in place. Markiertes Dextran wird hufig per Mikroinjektion in die Zellen eingebracht. eCollection 2015. Challenges in analysis of high-molar mass dextrans: Comparison of HPSEC, AsFlFFF and DOSY NMR spectroscopy. Figure 2 shows the classical method for calculating Mark-Houwink parameters, where a linear relation between the intrinsic viscosity and the molecular weight is established for each temperature. A simple way of universalizing the measurements is shown in figure 4 where there is a curve at each temperature for every molecular weight. Comparison of single-point and dilution procedures. Lim SB, Tingirikari JMR, Seo JS, Li L, Shim S, Seo JH, Han NS. At the same temperature, the hydrodynamic radius and the intrinsic viscosity are higher for different molecular weights, while these properties decrease with an increase of temperature at the same molecular weight (Figure 1). The above data are not useful because it can not be compared with those obtained in this work. The [] is connected to the dimensions of the biopolymer molecule isolated in a certain solvent. For 40 kDa molecules, the hydrodynamic diameter dh ~8 nm is much smaller than the collagen mesh size [ 33, 41 ]. The hydrodynamic radius is important in predicting transretinal penetration Carroll PJ. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation. 2000;3(9):31826. The dextran has the advantage in terms of low cytotoxicity, excellent biocompatibility, and water-solubility. Singh TRR, Garland MJ, Cassidy CM, Migalska K, Demir YK, Ryan SAE, Woolfson D, Donnelly RF. The value of P increases from 1.0272 to 1.2694 (spherical shape with tendency to spheroid for high Mw). Article Although, in literature there is much information on hydrodynamic measurements from determinations viscosity; very few of them evaluate the situation at different temperatures. The micropore formed at the SC through to the epidermis, enabling drug delivery. The .gov means its official. WebTry out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Microporation techniques for enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents. Fixable: Fixable via Lysine. Eng. In our present study, microporated skin permeated insufficient amount of 20K FITC-dextran, suggesting that enhancement of permeability was unsuccessful with macromolecules of more than 20KM.W.. 2015;23(3):2239. Arond L.H. GPC Symp. Pathan IB, Setty CM. Formul. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Monosaccharide analysis revealed that the polysaccharide comprised only glucose units. Pharm Res. Correspondence to Masuelli, M. A. Deng H, Konopka CJ, Prabhu S, Sarkar S, Medina NG, Fayyaz M, Arogundade OH, Vidana Gamage HE, Shahoei SH, Nall D, Youn Y, Dobrucka IT, Audu CO, Joshi A, Melvin WJ, Gallagher KA, Selvin PR, Nelson ER, Dobrucki LW, Swanson KS, Smith AM. Ghimici, Luminita; Nichifora, Marieta; Eich, Andreas; Wolf, Bernhard A. Curley SA. Furthermore, the influence of temperature on the intrinsic viscosity is given by the chain flexibility parameter (dln[]/dT), which gives information about the conformation of the macromolecule chain in solution [62]. Thermo Fisher Scientific. Using the polymer standards, a plot of the ln [] vs ln Mw usually gives a straight line. Corp. (Seoul, Korea). Determination of the intrinsic viscosity has been the most used measurement in the last 60 years. 4K and M.W. On the molecular weight distribution of dextran T-500. Kim, D.; Robyt, J. F.; So-Young Lee; Jin-Ha Lee; Young-Min Kim. 2022 Feb 22;16(2):1999-2012. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c07010. To overcome these limitations, microporation devices that act as therapeutic vehicles for delivering drug molecules across the skin barriers have been developed. When applied to adherent cell cultures, the APGD-t is capable of inducing temporary cell permeabilization.

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