At that point, Carolyn McDonald briefly considered alawsuit, butdropped it after her lawyers saidit wouldbedifficult to bring her most egregiousallegations of abuseto court, because she couldnt remember whether she was 17 or 18 when they occurred. Defined under legal terminology, (in which I have an understudy degree in law) is most frequently referred to as a subpeona. I hope you all will take a lesson and leave it alone. No questions have been asked about this experience. I am not a member of Cornerstone, but my membership is at another church in the city, but I still find it very disgusting that people would rather gossip about a pastor who has struggled, rather than pray for Him and trust God to work things out as only He can. I agree with Lily on the things that she compares with the Bible. I heard that an offering was taken for him for his birthday, and he said it was not enough, and had the plates passed again. Carolyn McDonald alleges Wayne Aarum physically and emotionally abused her, including touching her crotch over her clothes and barging into her bedroom while she was in her underwear, while she was on staff at Circle C Ranch from 2006 to 2008. She is no longer representingCircle C Ranch. Id settle down on the f word if I were you. I dont know about anyone else, but I think Mike Pitts is non other than the infamous Pastor Pitts from this forum. All of these memories were in the cloud of deception that Wayne had manufactured through a careful grooming process.. I do not care about your efforts to attack me, but you all need Jesus. It says that at judgement they will stand before Jesus saying didnt we prophesy in your name, etc. Lily, your bitterness is showing. 11 hours ago, - Oh well. Read your Bible, youll see it in there. Doesnt it say in the Bible that you are to tithe to the church 10% of your wages? I do not believe Pitts is doing great things. Several authorities, includinglocal police andthe Cattaraugus County Department of Health,have received reportsaboutAarum. If he and his congregation have donated gifts to the inner city children, why not donate a house, car, jewelry and money to MY family who work so hard for the things they are struggling to get instead of lining their pockets with Fools gold? His parents were raised attending church regularly. Dekalb declined to comment generally for this story. $$ - $$$ Mexican Southwestern Latin. How are church leaders selected? Its funny that redneck Carty Finkbeiner could get less media coverage for all his real crimes. God doesnt need your money or desire it, he wants your obediance. This is why I did not actually have to witness the incident to know its all true. At the age of 14, Pitts felt called to become a preacher. Let me just say that when you verbally attack Michael Pitts on this forum, your not attacking him anymore. He does great things for lots o people!!! And, I am orginally from Cleveland, and the Blade is the worst newspaper in the State. I have questioned if his indescrepencies subtract from the validity of his message.I guess that something you need to ponder upon. Shoot, while were at it, why dont we just put candles around him and pray in his name. Ive never said I thought he was arrogant or manipulative. Cornerstone Church Toledo Sex Abuse Lawsuits - Meet # - Facebook Cornerstone Church, Maumee, Ohio. Various allegations have been raised against Senior Pastor Michael Pitts, his wife Kathi Pitts, Eddie Combs (singer in the group Higher Ground), ( of the church), David Huskins (former bishop to Michael Pitts who committed suicide) and others. Theres really no other option unless you want to be partakers of their sins. I just want to say thanks for posting these articles. It made me think back to when I was working for The Blade a few years ago and Pastor Pitts was in the news quite a bit. San Antonio's Cornerstone Church recently made headlines late last year by hosting a three-day gathering of far-right conspiracy theorists. His car was spotted near where several of the incidents occurred. This started a string of court cases that included the discovery of illegal activity and fraud by Mr Miller. Several of these individuals specifically said Aarum didnotfollow a widely known Circle C Ranchpolicyaboutavoiding bodily contact between members of the opposite sex. The divine person, the Holy Spirit, was promised and sent to the early Church for empowerment in Christian living and demonstrations of God's power. THATS ALL. I thought you were done. Im still not angry, but it seems youd like me to be. Isensed that I was a part of something very good. He has consistently denied allclaimsagainst him of inappropriate conduct. Im just curious what would happen if everyone at Cornerstone quit tithing. Ultimately false doctrine will lead to sinful actions, no doubt. Free speech is great isnt it? He is a good teacher and preaches for ME to follow the word. The Craziest Things Cornerstone Church Pastor - San Antonio Current So the vampires gave it to them. Cornerstone is impacting the city of Toledo in positive ways no matter what you think. LOL . I am not interested in legal charges or threats, I only wish that whoever owns this forum would stop this nonsense. God Bless You. He validated my life., In aApril 28 emailto the USA TODAY NETWORK, WayneAarum acknowledged that his conversationswithyouth group membersat The Chapel, meant to help them navigate their adolescent struggles, could have sometimes hurt (them) because of the listeners personal situation, he said." Not tearing him down. All Right, all right, I never said I was a shining beacon of light. oh, and kat? Please call 419-725-5000 if youd like to discuss further. That wouldnt be the case if God wasnt with Pastor Pitts, but He is. But unfortunately thats not the case. Check out his books on or in Barnes and Noble. Pastors at The Chapel spent most of last yeararranging orsupportingmeetings between Chapel staff, Aarum orCircle C board members,and the growing number of women alleging Aarums abuse. Its the same for all Christians. Thats still no excuse to do what he did. The Lord showed Bishop Pitts to me in a very vivid dream because I was idolizing him. I have always tried to do my best to help.. lots o people enjoy me lucky charms Do you feel like you have to give more than you can afford or are you made to feel guilty regarding how much you do or dont tythe? Shereportedhim at the timetopastors at The Chapel,who eventually met withhimat least four separate times between 1997 and 1998 regarding his physicalhabitswith teenage girls, according to excerpts from Aarumspersonnel fileat The Chapel, provided by email to the USA TODAY NETWORK by Chapel leadership. I do believe in God. Carolyn McDonald was one of the first women to make the Circle C board aware of her abuse allegations, in the form ofanemailonOct. 6. I really believe Pastor Pitts is sincere and annoited. More significantly, I believe these imposters are, at best, a poor representation of a man who Ive come to realize has a shockingly superior intelect to that of the average person. Pastor made no excuses for his actions and apolagized to the congregation. Its the people on here that call themselves Christians, yet put everyone else down for their opinions that give Christians a bad name if you ask me. Going to the next level, a new season, Im believing God for a harvest, getting my stuff back from the devil are saying frequently used in Charasmatic circles. By his own mandate he could have stoned the woman caught in adultery. Founder and Leader - Cornerstone Global Network - LinkedIn Finally, both of Pastor Pitts attornies accepted Jesus and now attend his church as a direct result of the entire ordeal. Patterns of predatory behavior emerged and grew more egregious as time passed. The Bible mention false prophets. I just know that we, all Christians, are to set an example. I gotta say, Im overwhelmed by the fact that so many Christians would rather gossip about the past and put down and talk trash about a congregation or minister of the gospel. Cornerstone Youth exists to disciple resilient believers that influence culture. Because, only God can judge use with regard to his will. Why cant we all do the same. I thank You Lord!! The stage door is closed. "In 1995, he was stopped by police after allegedly being spotted masturbating in front of two young boys hitting golf balls at a local baseball diamond. Aarum was neitherdefensive norapologetic, she said. Does anyone know if this is true? Hes a great man with a past. Mayor of Toledo, Department of Justice: Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse, Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse,,,,,,, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Thanks. LE, But despite all the religious grandstanding, court records and media reports show Pitts cant seem to keep his private parts in his pants while he is in public places. As T.F. Its all about them and what they can do for me. A different perspective I dont necessarly dismiss the man based on his actions. I think you perhaps mean undergraduate degree because Ive never heard of anything called an understudy degree. A line up would have been nice. Im beginning to feel like Im back in High School here. Contact Sarah at In my book Pitts has lots of strikes against him, but God is the one he will ultimately have to answer to. Last year, when Pitts appeared for a command performance at Paula Whites church, she declared it was by divine appointment. I DONT THINK ANYONE IS WILLING TO BOTHER GETTING THE DELTA REPORTTHEY WOULD RATHER BASE THEIR OPINIONS ON RUMORS. again, I also read Lilys posts. Appreciate the feedback. But no, just because hes a pastor, he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. The . Toledo, Ohio. MAUMEE--A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. She was 15, and he told her she was amazing. And about the term warrant. God loves you regardless of where you go to church. So the people who were victim to the disgusting actions of Pitts, are just supposed to live with it? I just recieved this email from a friend. Darla: what did you mean by his kids dont defame people for all the world to see? And my family is better because of it! That thiswas what Ihad hoped for and thought that it was.. I am a member and was when these incidents occured. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Religion from Reed College, where he wrote his thesis on Christian Worship Music. Your post is very attacking to the point of threatening. Were talking about the kingdom of God. But the Ranchsboard rejected Hilliker's findings, Fancher said. The Apostles in Acts gave everything they had to meet the needs of the members of their churches. I know one year Pastor Banks initiated a birthday donation for Pitts and they actually did pass around the buckets. Whats that called again (I dont have an understudy degree) oh yea FRAUD. alot of those individuals were other pastors/priests in the city and alot were in a city/government office or political office. Eastview Christian Church leaders promise review amid allegations of There is no demonstration of true Godly love at Cornerstone, just a lot of judgmental attitudes and self-righteousness. The Holy Spirit is our abiding comforter and helper, and leads us in declaring Jesus. How sad. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. From events to our Online Campus you can all the information and resources you need to grow in your faith and connect with others. Im also curious why everone at Cornerstone who does tithe isnt rich by now. [2], In June 1986, Pitts and his wife Kathi moved to Toledo to start a non-denominational church, which they named Cornerstone Church. Why shouldnt a pastor live comfortable and drive a nice car? You know how I feel about no names LOL Big Chickens!! He was consecrated as a bishop by the International Communion of Charismatic Churches in 2009. Hundreds show up in Port Clinton to honor late Tuskegee airman, Sunday sunshine and milder temperatures ahead of Monday warmup | WTOL 11 Weather. If you are worried about losing your standard of living because disability wont pay what your salary is you can have the church buy you a parsonage and pay for it the church can lease you vehicles. Yeah, sad situation. Everything Ive read so far, everystoryon Facebook I dont doubt it, he said. Why is it that any joe schmoe, who could have done the same things that Pitts did, and have the book thrown at him? Non relevant to any of this. The people at Cornerstone are blinded to the truth because they worship him. Here is my last offer. I am not attacking Michael, but the truth is the truth. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. All Rights Reserved. Okay. Hey!! I can tell you, that is NOT Godly. After the lawsuit against SGM was dropped, in fact, Mohler and two fellow evangelicals published a. for Mahaney, calling him our friend and a vast influence for good. The statement claimed that Mahaney was not charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing. Thus, they wrote, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C.J. Christ said the only person with the right to cast stones is someone who is without sin right? God knows the truth, and ultimately, thats what matters. Hindsight isa ridiculously good teacher.. Sarah Taddeo is an Enterprise reporter for USA Today Network's in New York, covering consumer affairs and statewide news. You cant really think he doesnt know this about you. His final punishment: 14 days of house arrest with an ankle bracelet and a $500 fine. It reminds me of a movie I saw once about a traveling vampire circus. He resigned from the boardsoon afterward, he said. Heres the link: Quite the contrary, I believe he does more harm to the Body of Christ than good. Charlton wrote here on RD back in March: Thesuit has been filed not only on behalf of the individual plaintiffs [8 at this point], but also on behalf of a much larger class of people allegedly abused as minors in SGM, who do not wish to come forward with their stories. Men will rise and men will fall but the one I came to preach about is JESUS! It is obvious that the Delta incident did occur. Actually, the Delta incident like you called it was proven to be false just like the other so-called incidents its hard for him to do those things when hes out of the country! Our Story - Cornerstone Church God Bless. I noticed they all look young and hip. If this kind of a critical error could be made it is obvious that this man is an idiot who is incapable of trustworthy testimony because he may have forgotten what day it was! Furthermore, I do not agree that Pitts is a sharp, intelligent man. In multiple letters and meetingsover the past year,The Chapel pastors haveimploredthe board ofCircle C Ranchtohear and consider the womens allegations. Jon Schuerholz, executive pastor at Cornerstone Church in Grand Island CarolynMcDonald's childhoodchurch was present, andpushed the board memberstotake action. Pastor Pitts has done more to further the kingdom of God and impacted more lives than you could ever hope to. All things are possible if you believe. But one man represents righteousness and one man represents selfishness. TOLEDO, OH - This will not be easy on the eyes. Linda A. Smith, 63, of Holland, Erie County, who worked as Circle Cs business manager between 2005 and2006, said shefelt honoredto be working atthe Ranchwhen she was first hired. If you are that concerned about a so called false-prophet or a church being led astray by false teachings then get on your knees and do some real intercession pray for this man and these people.oh and one more thingLord, you are awesome!! with that said, youre right. Nah, not gonna give you my name. Am I annointed, well, God annointed a donkey to speak in the old testament, so why cant a man that is not perfect (being myself) be used of God. I have a hard time believing Pastor Pitts would have done those things and continue to minister. Beliefs - Cornerstone Church Its the one incident where an I was out of the country alibi is obviously false. Jun 1986 - Oct 2020 34 years 5 months. After all, they have been given the charge of teaching you the truth and will be accountable for it. The annointing is bigger than one person, there are many members of Cornerstone that are bless with nice things. Dear IMpersonator, Michael Pitts is an American pastor, preacher, and author. Do you honestly think he would knowingly jeopardize his livelihood by exposing himself to some kids at a ball park. He has nothing valuable to offer except false doctrinewhy is that so difficult for you to grasp? Do you know someone connected to The Chapel or Circle C Ranch? You are the one that needs to pray for discernment! Oh, and Hayden, thanks for giving your name. Joe Ferranterememberscomingupon a group of female counselorson one of his first days on staffat the Ranch when he was15. [4] In 1995, Pitts moved the Church to Reynolds Road in Maumee, just outside Toledo, with a 2,500-seat facility. You fool! If Pastor Pitts is guilty of that sin FORGIVE HIM mind your business and go on preaching the truth to the ones in need. Hmmmmm. Eight additional public indecency charges were dropped due to "substantial evidentiary considerations" and Pitts pleaded "no contest" to two charges of criminal trespassing and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. Sorry! At around noon on Jan. 27, 1975, a two-tone Cadillac pulls up to a vacant house in Irving, Texas. Besides that, I was telling the truth. Mahaney called Cornerstone Church, where the conference was held, one of my favorite churches on the planet, predicting that there will be massive fruit from last nights [conference] till the end of time. I completely agree with you. Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse Georgie Silvarole/USA TODAY Network New York, Shawn Dowd/Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. I can say with extreme certainty that Pastor Pitts never said that the church did not give him enough for his birthday and never re-passed the offering containers. If youd like, please call our office on 419-725-5000 with suggestions. Pastor Pitts is annointed, and a lot of people in Northwest Ohio are envious. Vengeanceis the Lords, Ademasaid. Thank You Lord for all that you are doing in my life and in the lives of those who you have called and anointed for this season!!! Both clearly violated in this forum. Thankyou Doug. Mr. Smith said that as part of the negotiation, prosecutors agreed to return to the defense any evidence of Mr. Pittss counseling sessions with Dr. Gregory Forgac, a Toledo psychologist who frequently deals with sex offenders. Dedicated on line cs. Google any of these vipers and you will see who they slither around with. Sorry you didnt have a great experience with us. When the good Lord walked this earth, he was clothed in simple robes with sandals or on many occassions wore callouses on the soles of his bare feet! In 1995, he was stopped by police after allegedly being spotted masturbating in front of two young boys hitting golf balls at a local baseball diamond. matthew! Absolutely furious. I donot follow him I follow Christ If its not to Gods glory, it would fail. He is a man, after all. Rest assured that he makes far more from his speaking engagements and book royalties than his salary from cornerstone. And I dont think that things are on the up and up at Cornerstone. I had never been to Cornerstone prior to that, but a memember and friend ask me to attend. I pray that my family and friends who still attend wake up and see the false teachings this man is heaping on the City of Toledo. ( dont you worry about your own walk and stop judging another mans servant if you want reference scripture. This is the foundation of Pitts message to his congregation. I would still really like to see the Delta Report. This is the official Cornerstone Church YouTube channel. Apparently Josh is too busy to check this forum any longer. Carolyn McDonald recalls the latewinter night in 2007 when, she says, Aarum pinned her 17-year-old body to a church pew inside the Circle C Ranch camps onsite chapel. hmmmmmm, woulda never pegged her for a pastors wife, until I was actually told who she was. Though there has been some debate surrounding Pitts ability to get charges against him dismissed on legal technicalities, the Bible has no such leniency for those who claim to be bishops in the Lords church. Its not about that, it should be all about God. Cornerstone Church (Maumee) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Pastor John Onwuchekwa's decision comes a year after Cornerstone Church received a $175K grant from the denomination to renovate its building. Add to that Pitts drunk driving conviction and you wonder what is it that attracts these paper mache religious leaders to something like his latest conference called Decree: Heaven on Earth (make sure to look at the url closely). The Holy Spirit is still present and active in the life of every believer through fruit and gifts. Kathy, Im not bitter at all. During the event, footage revealed that a crowd in the church's main worship space was chanting, "Let's go Brandon," which is coded language for an expletive directed at . Pitts recurring issues with liquor, sex and false teaching do not meet the standards. Why am I bringing this up after the fact? Please let this die. He said,I loved you guys and viewed you as my own children. I dont say these things lightly, I say them because Ive witness muchmuch more than youd ever know. Many camp staffers credit Circle C Ranch as being integral to their personal spiritual growth and the formation of lastingconnections within the area Christian community. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. I need to make one correction in my statements. Havent you seen the pattern? They have no integrity whats soever this is also proven by if the above article regarding Delta was true, there would have been counseling that really was done, when it fact, there wasnt ever any counseling, because the incident never took place. Im down-trodden that we have found a place to BB-Q those who try to serve a living God. Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it.

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