of at least 700 children buried from 1925 to . Phil-- )) (( Phil Gustafson Urban Legends FAQ: http://www.urbanlegends.com C|~~| Java FAQ: http://www.afu.com `--' , >dexx@home.com writes:>>I just heard a really creepy story about a small town in the US>>Midwest from someone who lived there (which is actually HERE): Dead>>babies (murderered?) The nuns lied and told her that "she had messed up her own life" and that her baby had been sent to America. But Tuam had other, even darker secrets. I'm not sure. We have almost 800 here". My reply is simply. "They worked there their whole lives and they . When, of course, most tunnelshave very dull uses. To her right runs the Parkmore. An inquiry into Catholic Church run homes for unwed mothers in Ireland has revealed alarming death rates among babies. They moved the concrete and discovered a hole which, Frannie Hopkins has described as being "full of skeletons of children". Actually they got rid of Limbo a year or two ago. It's not that your tale couldn't fit more or less comfortably underwithin the definition of 'urban legend,' it's that the point of legend- 'Catholics are depraved perverts' - is possible loon bait and likelyto step on someone's religious sensibilities at some point. There was some evidence that the bodies of some children from Mother and Baby Homes were given to anatomy departments in Irish universities for medical research. So, they consider it better that the child will be born, baptized and then killed Let's start with the event at the centre of the story: In 1975, fourteen years after The Home had closed down, two young boys called Frannie Hopkins and Barry Sweeney were playing in a field where the building had once stood. I should have elaborated on the source. On the walls and atop each grave in the Tomb Room lies a Death Mask, each one of which is physically molded after the facial likeness of several crew members. She sent the rich dowries back to Europe, and freed all the servants and slaves, giving them the choice of remaining as nuns or leaving. Until 1961 this had been the site of a Catholic religious community run by the Sisters of Bon Secours. News of the mass graves at Tuam finally made the newspapers last week Religious community's site had primitive conditions with babies neglected Infection and disease ran unchecked; measles and. The stories also had it that the infants were the result of>> sex between the nuns and local priests.>>. See:http://www.english.upenn.edu/~traister/hughes.htmlfor "The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk", and other such drivel onthis theme. Unfortunately, I cannot take the matter any further.'. They claim that the Pontiff has the right attitude in regards to abortion and family values, and that we need to stay united. At least we know this now, she said. A friend of mine served an LDS mission in Peru and apparently heardthe same story there. "Many of the revelations are deeply disturbing and a shocking reminder of a darker past in Ireland when our children were not cherished as they should have been," Flanagan said. Similar things could be said of bl**d lib*l. While I'm pretty certain Idon't want to see the discussion of that on AFU (although I'm equallycertain the regulars would behave), why isn't it a (an?) No. Except that both the person who told me the story and the person whoheard it (me):1. For the next 36 years, the nuns took in thousands of women. Born in Bergen, Norway in 1965 No more controversial than any other one, though. I agree. 'The local lads used to go fishing in the river', John said. UCD historian Lindsey Earner-Byrne who has researched this area extensively has said that Tuam was not exceptional. On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 02:13:06 +0000 (UTC), On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 14:52:00 +1300, chris 'fufas' grace, | I suppose it's quite possible that there were areas in. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Reuters. They stressed that the records were all handed over to the local authority now within the HSE when The Home closed in 1961. It's so obvious I suspect that It has been done already. What exactly does a nun's life entail, and what happens in their tight-knit community? Catherine Corless says: 'I know there are other mass graves and there are people wanting to recognise them. There are several other testimonies of the same as well. They still have a way to go to reveal just how many secrets are buried in the cesspit that is the church's history. The Home was run by the Bon Secours Sisters, a religious order of Catholic nuns, that also operated the Grove Hospital in the town. The Irish and the English got around, and they tended to take their stories/propaganda with them. Charlie Flanagan, minister for children and youth affairs, said Wednesday night that there was a "cross-departmental initiative underway" to determine how to react to allegations. Post author: Post published: June 10, 2022 Post category: printable afl fixture 2022 Post comments: columbus day chess tournament columbus day chess tournament The Inquisitr is a registered trademark. Are the Stories True That Nuns Had Babies and Buried Them in the Walls Written By Mattner Dented1941 Friday, January 14, 2022 Add Comment Updated 11.14am IN THE SPACE of two weeks, the story about a mass grave at a former mother and baby home in Galway has grown from something that was just talked about locally in Tuam to a worldwide news story. The repeated we-know-nothing stance by the garda is especially strange given that the original article in the Irish Mail on Sunday reported that the family of one of the children who died at the home had already reported it to the garda. "We do not know what were dealing with here yet, it could go back much further," the officer told NBC News on condition of anonymity. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. : Except that both the person who told me the story and the person who. The only record of the skeletons being seen was in 1975 when the two boys discovered them. Once, regular houseshad family graveyards where they buried infants that didn't survive. Ms Corless said the government needs to contact any former resident of the home who is still living, because it is their families that are buried there. Especially if the case dates from the 1940s orbefore. Do they go straight to purgatory (since they have original sin, that must be atoned for?) I doubt they put the babies or miscarried fetuses into theregular trash, but years ago who knows. Many more were thought to have been sold to American couples in an illegal adoption racket, with the institutions filing fake death certificates. A Sr Celeste said there was one infant death in the maternity hospital during her time in Bessborough between 1970 and 1985 and she believed the child was buried in a family plot in St Michael's . It is possible that the infants were born to prostitutes or laborers who worked at the bathhouse. What the boys found was horrific. "Burials within the church are likely to represent wealthy or eminent individuals, nuns and prioresses", said Paul Murray, currently leading the team. They wouldnt put up with priests nailing young boys who are trusted by parents into the hands of priests. Each chapterdiscussed a specific type of phenomenon, starting with a "true" story about itand then examining similar historical accounts and the reasons behind thehauntings. By From the evidence presented by Catherine Corless and Frannie Hopkins, it would seem that the children was placed into the ground, that coffins were not used to bury them, and that there was no gravestone. Immurement, or the complete enclosure of a human being into a small space with no escape, was historically a common form of punishment across cultures throughout history. ROMEThe Irish government has issued a controversial report seeking to explain why it was OK that tens of thousands of unwed mothers were forced into state-funded . A committee of local historians began a campaign to raise money for a proper memorial at the site, which led one of them, Catherine Corless to do more research on who exactly was buried there. They died between 1925 and 1961 in a mother and baby home under the care of the Bon Secours Catholic nuns. : heard it (me):: 1. This story is presented as a rumor of a Catholic writer on Wkipedia. Andrew Warinnerwari@xnet.comhttp://home.xnet.com/~warinnerUrban Legend Zeitgeist: http://www.urbanlegends.com/ulz/. Comments? This story is presented as a rumor of a Catholic writer on Wkipedia. 'There was a nice girl there. There were babies dying every day.' HE had distant HIMSELF even before creating man. (Patrick Callaghan/CBC) Decades have passed but Rose Prosper. A week later [my contact there] got back to me and said 'do you really want all of these deaths?' (LogOut/ Lars-Toralf Storstrand, you are right again!! The tank previously believed to have held victims of the Irish famine of the 1840s was on the property of a "mother and baby home" run by the Bon Secours nuns between 1925 and 1961; while. Or maybe the church and state are expressing shock that nuns in mid-20th century. It is the same story Catholic haters have been telling for centuries. So, theres No Limbo, no purgatory, and hell exists only for those who are headed there. The home was run by nuns from the Bon Secours Sisters congregation between 1925 and 1961. What is the home at the centre of the controversy? : Don "Not the best of books but I have it" Whittington. Do you know when it stopped? I love cleaning out junk from cabinets and closets Ill be back with more. So 796 children definitely died at The Home we know that because there are State records. (LogOut/ Getty . Thanks again! Is there any kind of gravestone to mark this? As Burke lays trapped in a coffin in the graveyard of the abbey grounds, Irene wanders the halls alone by lantern light. We gave everything over to the county council and then it went to the health board, so we have absolutely nothing on the home. In those days, sex outside marriage was proclaimed a mortal sin. It was made up so that people would pay for the indulgences that would free the souls of their loved ones. He reported it as a sad fact. In most cases, these were made in order to take the nuns and priests directly to the church so that they wouldn't have contact with the outside world. AT last the Vatican and the Pope are beginning to admit the worldwide scandal of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy. But like you, I do question protestant Christians who can work together with Roman Catholics on moral issues and politics. Cheryl--Cheryl Perkinscper@stemnet.nf.ca, >Phil Edwards wrote:>> >> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001 10:16:05 +1100, Viv wrote:>> >> >Vivienne "weren't nuns once the major if not only providers of Homes>> >for Wayward Girls?" **CoyoteBlue32**Your hunka-hunka burnin' monkey-lovin! : > Sorry. Copyright 2023 The Inquisitr. Investigators said that DNA analysis confirmed that the discovered remains were of children between the ages of 35 weeks and three years. When one of them caught something, they would all get it and nuns did nothing about it. nuns buried babies in walls. The excellent researcher behind the @Limerick1914 Twitter account found contemporaneous reports that the Bon Secours nuns were paid 2,800 per year by the State in 1927 to look after the mothers and children in The Home. The>stories were rampant when I was in Catholic school. There was no medicine and the babies were always getting sick.

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