It also said that all vendor and contractor packages have now been received. Das wrde mich fr Eritrea sehr freuen und hoffe das es den Menschen dort zugute kommt.Ich liebe dieses Land zumal meine Tochter einen eritreischen Vater hat.. We need a bit of money.' Below, let's look at Danakali Ltd. (DNK.ASX) (OTCPK:SBMSF) (OTCPK:DNKLY), which operates in Eritrea. By. %PDF-1.7 The company's strategy targets the development of a world-class potash project that will become pivotal for global and African agriculture. It also contains other fertilizer products, such as muriate of potash (MOP) and gypsum, along with rock salt. Despite funding setbacks last year, Danakali says that Colluli, a 50:50 joint venture between Danakali and the Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO), is on track for production in 2022. The Colluli potash project is expected to commence production in 2022. Disclosure: I am/we are long SBMSF, CMP. stream The Colluli project is located in the Danakil Depression region of Eritrea, East Africa, and is ~75km from the Red Sea coast, making it one of the most accessible potash deposits globally. The front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for the project was completed in January 2018. It has been a Unesco World Heritage Site since 2017. Italy created the colony of Eritrea in the 19th century around Asmara and gave it its current name. It has a geographic area of 117,600km2, making it slightly larger than Bulgaria. Colluli is located in the Danakil Depression . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Fig. education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, sustainable economic and mag chloride to be commercialized with minimal further processing required. Reminders. The deposit contains mainly three types of potassium bearing salts including sylvinite, carnallitite, and kainitite. MiningOther CommoditiesIndustrial Minerals, Danakali (50%) and Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO, 50%). Sadly, Eritrea looks set to remain a failed state as long as he is in office. EuroChem will purchase the entire SOP output of the Colluli phase one potash project under a 10-year binding off-take agreement signed in June 2018. Danakali, an Australian company that has been developing the Colluli potash project in Eritrea, was recently granted permission by the Eritrean Ministry of Energy and Mines to commence commercial production at Colluli. Fig. Based on what evidence? Shareholders are slated to . 3). Colluli, a 50:50 joint venture between Danakali and the Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO), has been called a game-changer for Eritreas economy, as it is expected to become one of the worlds most significant and lowest-cost sources of sulphate of potash (SOP), a premium grade fertiliser. To the southeast of the teeming herds of wildlife in the Okavango Delta inBotswana, an offshoot of the Lundinminingdynasty is extending its search for the worlds biggestdiamonds. The mine will put Eritrea among the top ten potash producers in the world and impact the global supply chain of high-quality fertiliser. Colluli is located about 75 kilometres from the Red Sea coast, making it among the most accessible premium potash deposits globally. Infrastructure to be developed and upgraded outside the Colluli mining license area includes sea water intake and treatment at Anfile Bay; pipeline and access corridor of 87km between Bay area and the Colluli process plant and the Colluli site road of 57km connecting Colluli to Marsa Fatuma. The proposed mine is located within the Danakil Depression, part of the Great Rift Valley on the Eritrea - Ethiopia border, with export facilities on the Eritrean Red Sea coastline. .goog-te-menu-value:hover {text-decoration:none !important;} The Colluli potash mine is estimated to hold 1.1 billion tonnes of SOP ore reserves grading 10.5% potassium oxide (K2O). endobj Eritrea has huge tourism potential, but it is hard for foreign visitors to obtain a visa. Potash demand is largely driven by the need to increase crop production and by improved potash application rates, particularly in developing countries such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America, where potash has been historically under-applied relative to scientifically-recommended levels (Fig. Danakali Lmited is selling share to China. In 2023, Botswana expects diamond output to decline by 1%. You are talking about the garbage written by Plaut ? The open-cut, high-grade potash project is being developed by Colluli Mining Share Company (CMSC), a 50:50 joint venture partnership between Australia's Danakali and Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO). February 25, 2022. The project has the worlds largest JORC compliant reserve at 1.1 billion tonnes. The border with Sudan was closed until early 2019 because relations were so bad. as being forecasted back in 2015 has been removed from the supply side (Fig. The Colluli potash mine could be an economic game changer for Eritrea but the country is unlikely to undergo an economic transformation as long as Afwerki is in power. Fig. The construction works for the Colluli potash mine are expected to be started in 2021 with the start of production expected in 2022. The project's potential profitability is helped by soaring potash prices they jumped by 300% during 2021, sitting at above $700 per tonne (CFR Brazil Spot) at the end of October 2021. The open-cut, high-grade potash project is being developed by Colluli Mining Share Company (CMSC), a 50:50 joint venture partnership between Australias Danakali and Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO). In food production, potassium is removed from the soil in harvested crops and must be replaced in order to maintain future crop growth. Analysis of the potential contribution of Colluli potash project to sustainable development goals in Eritrea. 3). It also has access to solar, wind and geothermal energy systems - the East African rift. The Colluli potash project is considered one of the worlds most significant and lowest-cost sources of sulphate of potash (SOP), a premium grade fertilizer. Ok as claimed above I dure hope the dictatorship in place will be nice enough this time around to be honest and work for the sake of the people and show the truth about the budgetary issues to the public unlike what the dictatorship did on the gold mining sector.we Eritreans cannot wait to see the benefits of the potash industry on projects that will enhance peoples living standards and create a sustainable economic growth as stipulated on the government sustainable development goals and agendatime only will tell if the dictatorship will have a changing to work for the betterment of the country but not gew clicks. Many Eritreans hoped that the peace deal with Ethiopia would create economic opportunities for the country, but there is little sign of that happening yet. "They were only used to getting effectively pocket money and food, lodging and, of course, ammunition and weapons, and they began to turn round and say: 'Well, hang on, we now have to look after our families. Fig. This long-lasting tension has led to Eritrea's militarisation. In August 2019, Danakali announced Africa Finance Corporation and African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) have obtained formal credit approval to provide US$200 million in senior debt finance, as part of the overall project funding package used for the construction of Colluli, with the documentation finalized on December 23, 2019. The Colluli potash project is a low-cost, long-life sulphate of potash (SOP) fertiliser project under development by the Colluli Mining Share Company, a 50-50 joint venture partnership between the Australian start-up Danakali and the Eritrean National Mining Corporation. inequalities, climate action, peace, justice and strong institutions and The miner said it would use the remaining cash about $12 million to identify new projects and potential new alternative growth opportunities.. .goog-text-highlight {background-color:transparent !important;box-shadow:none !important;} Potash is the common term for fertiliser forms of the element potassium (K). Some people have been in national conscription for more than 20 years. The Colluli potash project is considered one of the worlds most significant and lowest-cost sources of sulphate of potash (SOP), a premium grade fertilizer. Members of The Natural Resources Hub get exclusive ideas and guidance to navigate any climate. However, the country is home to one of the world's biggest potash deposits which straddles the border with Ethiopia. The Colluli Potash Project is located within the Danakil region of Eritrea, approximately 177km south-east of the capital city Asmara. On the financial front, a key step was taken last month when Danakali, which has a 50-50 joint venture covering Colluli with the government of Eritrea, signed a $200 million funding mandate. The Colluli project is located in the Danakil Depression region of Eritrea, East Africa, about 75 km from the Red Sea coast. The project is estimated to have a net present value of $902m and an internal rate of return of 29.9%, according to the London Stock Exchange. They have significant experience in executing projects of the scale and quality required for the Colluli project. Colluli Mining Share Company secured 165m ($200m) of senior debt finance from the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) in August 2019. The Colluli potash project is a low-cost, long-life sulphate of potash (SOP) project under development in Eritrea, Eastern Africa. Business intelligence for leaders in foreign direct investment. Under the current FEED study for Module 1 and 2, Danakali will be one of the lowest cost SOP producers and with the development of the loading facility at Anfile Bay costs will decrease further as transportation costs are reduced. 4. The FEED economic studies envisage the production of 472 Ktpa in module I for development capital of US$302 million and another 472 Ktpa in module II beginning year 6 for additional investment of US$202 million. Net to Danakali's 50% interest, Module I is projected to generate NPV-10 of 242 million, on average delivering an undiscounted FCF of US$43 million per year, with a post-finance IRR of 29.7%; module I&II is projected to generate NPV-10 of 439 million, on average delivering an undiscounted FCF of US$85 million per year, with a post-finance IRR of 31.3% (Table 1). Colluli is positioned very close to vital potash markets. And how is that relevant here, the government has not changed since Dankalis involvement so it was certainly a government worth doing business with at some time. DANAKALI Ltd., Eritrea - Colluli Potash Project | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard | Community von Phase one involving an estimated capital investment of $298m is expected to produce 472,000 tonnes (t) a year of high-quality SOP, while in phase two, the mine is expected to produce up to 944,000t of SOP from year six of the project with an additional capital investment of $202m. The project also involves the construction of a heavy fuel oil-based power plant on-site to meet the electricity requirement. Eritreas north-eastern and eastern parts have an extensive coastline along the Red Sea, strategically located along the Maritime Silk Road. 11). Only 12% of the total land area is suitable for farming in part due to the countrys rocky and mountainous terrain but also due to a persistent drought that afflicts much of the remaining countryside. Fertiliser is a key component to ensure world food security in the future. Plus500. Potash products including SOP, MOP, and SOP-M all have the potential to be produced at Colluli. Whilst SOP demand is population growth story it is more of an economic growth story and the African continent is seen to be where the majority of the worlds economic growth will occur in the coming decades. The country also boasts impressive marine tourist sites, a wide range of flora and fauna, and scenic terrain. Soraya Narfeldt, CEO of RA International, said: We are delighted to have been chosen as the preferred contractor to work with Danakali and its partners on this project which we see as globally significant. Enter your email below to receive updates on your featured companies right to your inbox. Although the total productive life is estimated to be approximately 200 years, the current plan calls for the development of the mine in two stages to support an initial operational life of 60 years. 6. AustraliasDanakali(ASX: DNK) is selling its 50% stake in the Colluli potash project in Eritrea, Africa, almost 13 years after partnering with the Eritrean National Mining Corporation (ENAMCO) to build the mine. Afwerki has become close to Abiy and is a sworn enemy of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front, which ruled Ethiopia when the two countries fought a border war. Eritrea was, until 2018, on the UNs sanctions list. Anyone can write a book, as long as is a white person, you would buy it even a white homeless from NYC. At a forward P/FCF multiple of 2.6X for Module I (2022-) and 1.3X once Module II comes on-stream in 2028, Danakali appears to be undervalued. A pre-feasibility study was completed in February 2015, followed by the completion of a definitive feasibility study in November 2015, while the mining licence was granted in February 2017. Danakali Limited is a resource company focused on the Colluli SOP (Sulphate of Potash) Project in Eritrea, East Africa. Eritrea's north-eastern and eastern parts have an extensive coastline along the Red Sea, strategically located along the Maritime Silk Road. The country with an estimated $2.48bn economy and 3.6 million inhabitants has been ruled with an iron fist by its dictator President Isaias Afwerki, now aged 75 since he led it to independence from Ethiopia in 1993. "In the beginning, things were fine, but gradually it became clear to President Isaias [Afwerki], who led the independence struggle for 30 years, that things were not going the way he expected them to," said Martin Plaut, the former Africa Editor of the BBCs World Service, in an interview in 2019. The company has completed a front-end engineering design for the production of potassium sulphate, otherwise known as sulphate of potash or SOP. keyValue[2].split('/')[2] : null;} Looking for a helping hand in the market? What are the best countries for cryptocurrency adoption? "The analysis of direct impacts of Colluli potash project and its potential contributions to the sustainable development agenda in Eritrea is focused on five main areas," the report states. At a SOP price of US$650/tonne, annual production would generate revenue equivalent to . Simplified process flow for the production of SOP from the Colluli resource, from this source. Niels Wage, CEO of Danakali, said: "We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Aggreko as our single power provider. DRA Global was selected as the engineering, procurement, construction and management (EPCM) contractor for the project in September 2018. 3. There is also potential for kieserite and mag chloride to be commercialized with minimal further processing required. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). could rise to almost 944,000 tonnes if Danakali decides to go ahead with a (. Over 100kg of Colluli product was tested at Ludman Industries in the USA for product compaction behaviour. The Colluli potash mine is estimated to hold 1.1 billion tonnes of SOP ore reserves grading 10.5% potassium oxide (K2O). The decline is mainly due to a drop in production expected at Barrick Gold's Somilo/Gounkoto mine and B2Gold's Fekola mine. The accommodation camp, meanwhile, has been designed to accommodate 600 personnel during the production phase with the flexibility to accommodate 1,115 during the construction phase. Unlike other potash producing basins of the world, the Danakil region contains a variety of potassium-bearing salts, enabling the opportunity to generate a range of potash fertilizers. The agreement encourages the maximisation of netback pricing of SOP produced in the Colluli, which will become the first Africa-based fertiliser provider in the supply chain of EuroChem. Bloomberg News | December 23, 2022 | 7:38 am Premium Nickel aims to re-open Selebi mine in Botswana The Selebi south deposit has a resource of 11.28 million tonnes grading 0.98% nickel and 1.9% . 2022 The Colluli potash project is a low-cost, long-life sulphate of potash (SOP) project under development in Eritrea, Eastern Africa. In 2019, the country received only $67.1m in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows against $61m in 2018, according to the World Bank. Following the agreement, Collulis position as an economically attractive SOP greenfield development project has been reinforced. (MOP) and gypsum, along with rock salt. 1 0 obj Muriate of potash, i.e., MOP (KCl; 0-0-60), which is used for wheat, corn, and other chloride-tolerant crops; Sulfate of potash or SOP (K2SO4; 0-0-50-18S), which also supplies both potassium and sulfur for high yields and quality; Potassium-magnesium sulfate, i.e., SOP-M (K2SO4-2MgSO4; 0-0-22-22S-11Mg) used as specialty fertilizer; Potassium thiosulfate (K2S2O3; 0-0-25-17S); and, Potassium nitrate (KNO3; 13-0-44) used for chloride sensitive crops that require additional nitrogen (see. DANAKALI focuses on developing the Colluli potash project in Eritrea, which is wholly owned by Colluli Mining Share Company . According to the UNDP report entitled "Analysis of the potential contribution of Colluli potash project to sustainable development goals in Eritrea," Colluli is estimated to attract US$614 million of direct capital investment, generate 3% of Eritrean GDP once module I is up running, and account for 50% of Eritrean Exports by when module II is on stream. GDP dropped by -0.6% in 2020 in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and a locust invasion. The relative location of the Colluli resource to these critical markets gives it a significant logistics advantage and unrivalled access to the potash markets of the future. The project has the worlds largest JORC compliant reserve at 1.1 billion tonnes. The stock seems to be agitating for a breakout in recent weeks (Fig. Apart from SOP, the salt composition at the deposit also allows for the production of other potash products including sulphate of potash-magnesia (SOP-M) and muriate of potash (MOP). US Level 1 ADR . Colluli has a JORC-2012 compliant Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 1,289Mt @11% K20. partnerships for the SDGs. 2). The FEED economic estimates, from the same source as Fig. The Colluli potash project is located in the Danakil Depression region of Eritrea, in East Africa, approximately 75km away from the Red Sea coast and approximately 177km southeast of capital Asmara. The Eritrean government, through ENAMCO, has a 50% interest in the Colluli project. I recommend a book by Martin Plaut, a senior researcher at Londons Institute of Commonwealth Studies and former Africa Editor of the BBCs World Service called Understanding Eritrea: Inside Africas Most Repressive State ( According to Reporters Without Borders, only North Korea has less press freedom. The deposit is located in the Danakil depression region of Eritrea, about 75km away from the Red Sea coast and 177km south-east of Asmara, the capital city (with a population of 960,000 people).

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